​​The Discussions are not simply statements of opinion. They are intended to all

​​The Discussions are not simply statements of opinion. They are intended to allow you to expand upon and apply the principles discussed in your textbook, the lectures, and/or other research you conduct. Each odd-numbered week a question will be posed for your consideration. Before answering, you should review the chapters covered during this week and the lectures.
Cancer is a class of diseases or disorders that involves a natural process (mitosis) that for some reason has turned into uncontrollable cellular division. These cancerous cells have the ability to invade other tissues, either by direct growth into adjacent tissue through invasion or by implantation into distant sites by metastasis.
Cancer has become a common occurrence in modern day society. Most everyone has been affected either directly or indirectly by this terrible disease. Essentially, carcinogens (cancer causing agents) have an effect on normal cells turning them into cancerous cells which divide without regulation and most times go unseen by our immune systems.
For this discussion, you will choose one specific type of Cancer to discuss. Therefore it is required that each student state the specific Cancer they are discussing in their initial post in the subject line. [For Example if your initial post cancer topic is a ‘Thyroid Cancer’, then type ‘Thyroid Cancer’ in the subject line].
Thyroid Cancer is the specific type I would like you to research.


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