Based on the articles for this week, explain how French immigrant youth use hip

Based on the articles for this week, explain how French immigrant youth use hip-hop to forge their identities in France. What are some of the challenges they face?
In what ways does the film, La Haine, illustrate some of the challenges faced by immigrant youth in Paris? Choose a particular scene or two that describes these challenges.
The Helenon article states that “Many groups have come up with a meaning of Black that is not so much about the color of skin as it is about asserting one’s origins and heritage in a country where multiculturalism is in fact largely synonymous with Whiteness” (p.161). Please
discuss the complex identification systems French citizens of color use. Use the reading, the film La Haine, and the Paris Burning video clip to guide your argument.
Secondly, do you believe an American model of Blackness would be enough to counter these daily issues, or must something else be done?


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