BUS210 – A1 = Environmental scan paper – Individual Assignment Systems thinking

BUS210 – A1 = Environmental scan paper – Individual Assignment
Systems thinking tells us that organizations are open systems. As such, managers need to be aware of environmental forces which affect the industry and organization. Each day, a top-level manager such as the CEO, CFO, COO etc. will read the newspaper or news websites scanning for information that would affect his/her industry.
Imagine that you are the CEO of an organization (for or non-profit) in the _________ industry. Your assignment is to think conceptually like a CEO and do an environmental scan. Using the NY Times, Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, or Bloomberg Businessweek ONLY, identify three newspaper articles (within the past year) that reflect external environmental factors affecting your industry. Make sure to cover three different categories of external factors (e.g. economy, political, technology, culture, demographics, physical environment). Present your findings in the form of an annotated bibliography (and concluding paragraph) below:
Medical Industry Environmental Scan
For each article, provide the citation (APA). Then aligned underneath:
• APA – Times New Roman, 12 pt. font, double-spacing, 1″ margins.
• Summarize in 2-3 sentences what the article is about.
• Explain in no more than 4-5 sentences how this information impacts the industry (i.e. why is it important to know?). You should be specific in describing which environmental factor the information represents (e.g. economic, political, demographic, etc.).
Concluding paragraph – Using the environmental uncertainty matrix and based on the above, what box would best describe this industry and why?
**Remember that the articles are NOT supposed to be about the industry itself but rather forces affecting the industry. For example, if you pick fast food, you should NOT have articles about McDonald’s (unless you can tie it into an understanding of competitors). It is not about the companies but rather something happening that would affect the industry as a whole!
Some in
dustries to consider:

Auto Industry

Airline Industry

Fast food Industry

Movie Theater industry

Fashion Industry

Gaming Industry
Grading Rubric:
Followed assignment requirements (included all components) – 25%
Depth of research/accuracy – 25%
Grammar and spelling – 25%
Critical Thinking – 25%


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