Section 1: Questions To complete the Questions portion, please indicate the corr

Section 1: Questions
To complete the Questions portion, please indicate the correct response to each question by bolding or highlighting the appropriate choice. Make sure to read each question carefully. When completed, continue to Section 2 on the following page.
1. (2.5pts) The FBI’s annual Uniform Crime Reports measures which of the following?
a. Unreported instances of victimization
b. Violent crimes
c. Nonviolent crimes
d. Reported Index Crimes
2. (2.5pts) Fill in the blank: Fear of crime is __________ compared to actual crime rates.
a. Lower
b. Higher
c. Not evaluated
d. About the same
3. (2.5pts) Which of the following is accurate definition of crime prevention?
a. Crime prevention assumes crime is necessary and, regardless of effort, it will always exist.
b. Crime prevention entails any action designed to reduce the actual level of crime and/or the perceived fear of crime.
c. Crime prevention is influenced by the potential future consequences of an individual’s actions.
d. Crime prevention requires changes in the design of buildings and spaces to create an image of area that is cared and protected.
4. (2.5pts) A meta-analysis is which of the following?
a. Treatment evaluation
b. Experimental evaluation
c. Study of similar research
d. Qualitative evaluation
5. (2.5pts) Which of the following choices describes criminal desistance?
a. The process by which individuals move from a life that is crime-involved to one that is not.
b. When an individual replaces some criminal behavior with non-criminal behavior.
c. When an individual commits a new criminal act.
d. The first time an individual commits a crime after release.
6. (2.5pts) Which of the following is not a form of cognitive-behavioral therapy?
a. Victim-Offender Mediation with a certified counselor
b. Functional Family Therapy
c. Thinking Skills Program or Life Skills Training
d. Multi-systemic Therapy
7. (2.5pts) The Positivist School of Criminology claims which of the following?
a. One must target individuals rather than circumstances to eliminate criminal behavior and deviancy.
b. Developmental Crime Prevention features programs that are the best in preventing potential crime.
c. Individuals are rational and hedonistic.
d. Crime is caused by factors beyond the control of the individual.
8. (2.5pts) Incarceration aims to have what type of influence on crime?
a. General deterrence
b. Primary prevention
c. Specific deterrence
d. Secondary prevention
9. (2.5pts) Which of the following is not a measure of recidivism?
a. Rearrest
b. Reentry
c. Reincarceration
d. Reconviction
10. (2.5pts) What is the term net-widening associated with?
a. Expanding the criminal justice system’s integration with internet use and protocols to stay up to date with current technology.
b. The potential for technology to extend the reach of the criminal justice system (CJS) resulting in more persons under some form of social control.
c. Using technology to reduce the available physical space needed by the CJS.
d. Using technology to come up with alternative to traditional punishments used within the CJS..
11. (2.5pts) General deterrence is part of which crime prevention strategy?
a. Primary crime prevention
b. Secondary crime prevention
c. Tertiary crime prevention
d. Tangential crime prevention
12. (2.5pts) Which of the following is not a requirement for deterrence?
a. Responsivity
b. Celerity
c. Certainty
d. Severity
13. (2.5pts) Security and crime prevention interventions can lead to a spillover of crime from one area, time, or individual to different area, time, or individual. This is known as what?
a. Diffusion
b. Rational choice
c. Brutalization
d. Displacement
14. (2.5pts) Fill in the blank: A(n) ________ becomes available based on the interaction between a person and setting influences someone’s behavior.
a. Crime pattern
b. Rational choice
c. Opportunity
d. Routine activity
15. (2.5pts) Fill in the blank: For a crime to occur, __________ Theory suggests that there must be a suitable target, motivated offenders, and an absence of capable guardianship.
a. Crime Pattern
b. Rational Choice
c. Opportunity
d. Routine Activities
16. (2.5pts) When a security strategy or prevention effort benefits people or places other than those originally targeted, what is said to occur?
a. Brutalization
b. Diffusion
c. Displacement
d. Rational choice
17. (2.5pts) Fill in the blanks: Qualitative research attempts to answer _______. Quantitative research attempts to answer _______.
a. why something occurred the way that it did; what occurred after an intervention
b. what occurred after an intervention; why something occurred the way that it did
c. when something occurred; why something occurred the way that it did
d. why something occurred the way that it did; when something occurred
18. (2.5pts) Impact evaluations differ from process evaluations in what ways?
a. Process evaluations seek to assess whether the costs of an intervention are justified by the outcomes accrued, whereas impact evaluations examine the steps taken throughout the intervention.
b. Impact evaluations seek to assess whether the costs of an intervention are justified by the outcomes accrued, whereas process evaluation examine the changes due to an intervention.
c. Impact evaluations examine the changes due to an intervention, whereas process evaluations examine the steps taken throughout the intervention.
d. Impact evaluations examine the steps taken throughout the intervention, whereas process evaluations examine the changes due to an intervention.
19. (2.5pts) The recognition of legitimate users and stranger of a shared space, the establishment of real and perceived boundaries, and fostering a communal atmosphere are related to which CPTED element?
a. Image & Milieu
b. Activity Support & Motivation Reinforcement
c. Territoriality
d. Access control & Target Hardening
20. (2.5pts) The main difference between first generation and second generation CPTED is what?
a. First generation CPTED emphasizes making changes on intervening factors beyond simply just the physical design of a building or are.
b. Second generation CPTED emphasizes impacts of the physical design of buildings and areas.
c. Second generation CPTED emphasizes making changes on intervening factors beyond simply just the physical design of a building or area.
d. Second generation CPTED emphasizes green sustainable design to improve communities and reduce crime.


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