Identify evidence that your intervention, your I? in your PICO question, is supported in the literature. Based on the PICO question you picked in the Unit 2 Assignment, find a quan

Due 10/4   5 pm

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identify evidence that your intervention, your “I” in your PICO question, is supported in the literature.
Based on the PICO question you picked in the Unit 2 Assignment, find a quantitative research study about the intervention (not the problem) related to the problem identified. 



· The next step in the process is to identify evidence that your intervention, your “I” in your PICO question, is supported in the literature.

· PICO QUESTION: Healthcare Equity among the Elderly in Europe: An Evidence-Based Exploration

· Based on the PICO question you picked in the Unit 2 Assignment, find a quantitative research study about the intervention (not the problem) related to the problem identified. 

· Do not use a website to find research articles.

· Use the Library tab’s databases.

· You will need to use the search techniques you learned in Unit 2, the library tutorial assignment for Unit 1, and the article that was linked to in the Unit 2 assignment.

· Use the keywords that you identified for “intervention” in your Unit 2 PICO assignment. These are your search terms. 

· Directions for Search:

· In CINAHL, using the library tab directions from a previous assignment, put those keywords in the search box. 

· Further narrow your search by using the search options for full text and evidence-based practice.

· Use the search box “Publication Type” and choose “Randomized Controlled Trial.”

These are just suggestions. Experimenting with these search boxes will give you different results. This is to help you refine your search technique. The techniques are similar in Ovid and Proquest.

· The article you pick needs to be  a research study with an experimental or quasi-experimental design. It should be five (5) years old or less. See Topics 1 – 4 in the Unit 4 readings about these designs.


· Please complete the attached file below. Try to submit early in the week. Your instructor will let you know if this is an appropriate article. If it is not, you will need to resubmit as many times as it takes for you to find one. By Sunday night you should have submitted and received confirmation that your techniques produced an article appropriate to use for the Unit 6 assignment.

· Submit both the table and the article to the submission link


Unit 5 Assignment

Search Table

Write your PICO question





Identify the intervention from your selected PICO question that you seek to find support for in the literature.

Depending on your selection of PICO question, you will be searching for an experimental or quasi-experimental research study that shows the effectiveness of your intervention in reaching the indicated outcomes. What type of study are you searching for?  Identify the research design of a study that would meet the assignment criteria.

List 3-4 keywords for the intervention of your PICO question that you searched with. Why did you select these words?

Which search engine(s) did you use? (Ovid, CINAHL, Proquest)

Which limiters to the search did you check? (randomized controlled trial, publication type->research, peer reviewed, dates, full text, etc)

Why did you select these limiters?

How many results did you get?

How did you determine if the studies in the results meet the assignment criteria?

Did you find a study that tested the effectiveness of the intervention?  Identify this study.  (Write it in APA reference format)

If yes, at tach the study in the assignment link as a PDF file.

If a study was not found, did you change your search techniques based on results?

If a new search was needed, identify the changes made.

Did you change your search techniques based on results?

For your attached study, how did it support the intervention in your PICO question? Identify the elements it answered:


Does the attached study answer the PICO question?  What was the answer? How was this determined? Identify the actual findings of the attached study.  How did you determine the study you selected met the assignment criteria? 

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