Due Date: 11:59 pm EST Sunday of Unit 6 Points: 100 Overview: In the video clip

Due Date: 11:59 pm EST Sunday of Unit 6
Points: 100
In the video clip of Abraham Maslow, he talks about his notion of peak experience- a sign of selfactualization. This might seem like a difficult concept, but it is simpler than it appears. For this
assignment, you are encouraged to think about it as a moment of pure satisfaction, a moment that
stands out, where you might have said “I’m really happy… life is good,” or “I’m so lucky.” People who
have many of these experiences are closer to self-actualization according to Maslow, and people who
have fewer are farther away.
Complete the following:
• Watch the clip and find one research article to help further your understanding of the notion of
a peak experience (in Maslow’s view).
o Reference this article in your work (use APA style).
• Describe in detail the stages of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and for each stage, make an
assessment of yourself as having met each need or not.
• Reflect on your own peak experiences and write about an experience that might meet that
o Write about as many as you choose.
o If you have trouble thinking of one, write about what not being able to think of one might
mean to Maslow (i.e. what might he say about the fact that you cannot think of
• Give your opinion about why (or why not) the notion of self-actualizers having many peak
experiences makes sense.
o Use your knowledge of a self-actualizer and a peak experience to make a connection.
• Include one scholarly research article to support your ideas.
• Incorporate all ideas into your own words.
• The document should conform to APA format, including in-text citations for referenced works.
• Complete your work in a Microsoft Word document.


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