Assume that you are a consultant that has been hired by one of the healthcare organizations from your unit 7 assignment (select one of these organizations to be the basis of your unit 8 assignment). You have been hired to research and present analysis about: a. Organizational performance measures and the progress made over the past year b. Your recommendations for priorities that the


See course calendar for all deadlines.


The purpose of this final session is for the student to use explore how analytics can be used to drive strategic planning.

Learning Objectives:

At the completion of study, the HI graduate student will be able to do the following:

*Conduct data science activities aware of and according to policy, privacy, security and ethical considerations

*Use data to drive competitive strategy and planning

*Develop a performance analytics scorecard

*Explore and manipulate data to create tables and charts

*Analyze the performance analytics and identify the problem areas indicated by the data

*Interpret data to facilitate decision making and prioritization of analytic projects

*Present data analysis output in a PowerPoint presentation


Unit Introduction

Several short videos from Robert Woods Johnson and the Institute for Healthcare Improvement introduce this unit and provide insight into the importance of measurement and planning analytics projects from an organizational perspective.

See the Readings course link tab for required and supplemental book chapters, articles, data links and audio visual recordings.


U8 Assignment(s)

  1. Read/watch the Unit Introduction videos.
  2. Complete the assigned readings and watch any other assigned videos.
  3. SCENARIO:  Assume that you are a consultant that has been hired by one of the healthcare organizations from your unit 7 assignment (select one of these organizations to be the basis of your unit 8 assignment).  You have been hired to research and present analysis about:
    1. Organizational performance measures and the progress made over the past year
    2. Your recommendations for priorities that the organization should focus on in the next year

The CEO tells you that they have mountains of data, but have difficulty analyzing what are the most important projects to work on in the next fiscal year.  They have begun to build analytic capabilities, but are still early in using analytics for operational decision-making. The executive team will be meeting next month for strategic planning and will select the top 3 projects to fund for next fiscal year.  Each executive has their own ideas about what are the most important projects. 


You have one week to prepare your report that will provide your recommendations for the priorities that the organization should focus on in the next year.

  1. RESEARCH additional information that could be helpful to understanding the strategic priorities of the organization (ex: website, annual reports, community health assessment report).  How does this hospital compare to other hospitals in the same geographic area in terms of readmissions, HCAPHS and other data from  Based on what you see in these reports, what will the hospital have to measure in order to meet their strategic objectives?
  2. ANALYZE the Quality spreadsheet data provided for the unit 8.  The Chief Nursing Officer has provided this spreadsheet with data that her team has collected on several quality and safety metrics over the past year.   After looking at the data, what is the best way to include this data and make use of it in your report?  Is it feasible to use a pivot table to analyze the data?  
    1. Create a table that will use the CNO data in some way so that you can include it in your report. 
    2. Create a chart to visualize the data.  What does the data reveal? Describe any limitations  you see in this data.  Highlight the most significant observations. Be sure the charts and all data are properly labeled and titled.

Note:  There is no one “correct” answer to this section, it is up to you to decide how to best use this data. This data is not from WhyNotTheBest, but it is a realistic example of additional data that may come to us from a different source.  

 CNO data_BHIS 540_010418.xlsx  

  1. DEVELOP a prototype Performance Analytics Scorecard in an Excel spreadsheet.  You have now looked at a variety of data from multiple sources.  In unit 7 you began your analysis and developed 3 tables of data from the Hospital Compare database on key performance analytics.  How would you incorporate the unit 7 data and the data provided by the CNO into one scorecard so that the organization can have a single source for tracking important metrics?  Your prototype should be labeled as a DRAFT.  The purpose is to give your clients a start on a tool that organization leaders could use to monitor progress on quality and patient safety organizational performance projects. Look at the example provided in the readings and materials for this unit and design a simple version of a spreadsheet scorecard.  It is not required that you include data results in the scorecard.  It should include:

1.       Key measures to be monitored (2 points)

2.       CNO data (1 point)

3.       Specification of timeline or time period for measurements (2 points)

4.       Effective layout and visualization of data (2 points)


Note:  This is an example that may provide you with some ideas for your own scorecard.  Performance Dashboard example.xls  

  1. Prepare a PowerPoint presentation including slides with all the research and analysis you have done.  It should include:
    1. Introduction – description of what you are presenting (2 points)
    2. Key points you want to highlight from the research you have done about the organization (ex: what are their accomplishments related to performance measures, what are their strategic goals, how do they compare to their competition) (2 points)
    3. Data tables showing the results of the performance measures from the past year. (2 points)
    4. Charts showing the trends of key measures that you want to highlight  (2 points)
    5. At least 1 table and/or chart showing the quality and safety data provided by the CNO (2 points)
    6. Your interpretation of the data (2 points)
    7. Your conclusions about the data. (What questions arise after looking at the data?  Does the data align with the organizational strategic direction as stated in their annual report or on their website or in other information that you found?  Does the data suggest projects that the organization should work on to improve quality or patient safety?) (2 points)

 BHIS 540 Unit 8 presentation TEMPLATE.pptx BHIS 540 Unit 8 presentation TEMPLATE.pptx – Alternative Formats  

8. By Thursday midnight, post your Performance Analytics Scorecard and PowerPoint to the class discussion board (under My Groups).

9. Discussion:  Between Friday and Sunday, provide a substantive comment on 2 other student assignments.  (ex: evaluate how they approached their analysis, conclusions, questions raised)

Your deliverables for this assignment are:

  1. DRAFT of a Performance Analytics Scorecard saved as a (PDF or Excel) and upload to Unit 8 Group assignment folder. Include your name on the document. (7 pts.)

  2. PowerPoint slides saved as a PDF and upload to Unit 8 Group assignment folder. Include your name on the document. (14 pts.)

  3. Comment on 2 other student assignments, either the Scorecard or Powerpoint. (6

Minute Paper

Please complete the minute paper by the deadline.

Unit 8 Readings/Resources

Unit 8 Readings/Resources

Supplemental Files for Assignments: 

 CNO data_BHIS 540_010418(1).xlsx  – CNO Data for Unit 8 Assignment

 Performance Dashboard example(1).xls  – Performance Dashboard Example for Unit 8 Assignment

 BHIS 540 Unit 8 presentation TEMPLATE(1).pptx BHIS 540 Unit 8 presentation TEMPLATE(1).pptx – Alternative Formats  – PPT Presentation Template for Unit 8 Assignment

Unit Introduction Videos:   

Robert Woods Johnson. How Measuring Performance Data Can Improve Quality.  (2013). [Video File]. Retrieved from: 

Institute for Healthcare Improvement. (2016). What Do We Mean By Measurement For Judgment? [Video File]. Retrieved from: 

Institute for Healthcare Improvement. (2016). How can a system get organized for improvement?  [Video File]. Retrieved from: 

Institute for Healthcare Improvement.  (2016).  Measurement Data and Monitoring Data: What’s the difference?  [Video File]. Retrieved from: 

Robert Woods Johnson.  Comparing Health Care Quality: A Road Map to Better Care.  [Video File]. Retrieved from:

Required Textbook chapters: 

Marconi, K., Lehmann, H. (Ed.) 2015. Big Data and Health Analytics. United States:  Boca Raton, Florida, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group.  ISBN:  13:978-1-4822-2925-7.  Chapters 9 and 10 

Green, M. (2016). Putting patient safety and quality data where you might not expect it: Johns Hopkins Medicine goes performance-transparent with dashboards.  Beckers News. Retrieved from: 

Austin, M. (2016). 5 Lessons for Creating Health Care Performance Dashboards. John Hopkins Medicine. [Blog post]. Retrieved from: 

John Hopkins Medicine. Patient Quality and Safety Measures.  Retrieved from:


Hansel, J & Seaman N. (2012). Building a Powerful Hospital Scorecard… By Keeping It Simple!.  MedeAnalytics.  [White Paper]. Retrieved from: – Alternative Formats

McCarthy, D. Radley, D. & Hayes S. (2015). Aiming Higher:  Results From a Scorecard on State Health System Performance.  Commonwealth Fund.  Retrieved from: 

Flores L. (2014). CHMB. Performance Dashboards and Monitoring for Hospitalists. – Alternative Formats



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