Library Engagement Assignment: 7th Principle Assignment Task: Submit to complete this assignment It is imperative that you develop a working relationship with professionals like a Reference Librarian who is an expert at getting to the information

1. Library Engagement Assignment: 7th Principle Assignment Task: Submit to complete this assignment It is imperative that you develop a working relationship with professionals like a Reference Librarian who is an expert at getting to the information you might need when researching workplace issues. Researching is a skill needed in all work fields, and your work product should be supported with relevant research. The Reference Librarian is the person who will help you get to relevant information. To complete this assignment, you will do the following things: Find three (3) peer reviewed articles and/or scholarly articles about adult learning. Review videos about writing an Annotated Bibliography. Write three (3) annotated bibliographies using the 3 articles you have found This assignment should not exceed three (3) pages excluding cover page no references page is needed. All written assignments must be in APA format. typing 2. Mini Essay #2: Adult Learning Principles( Assignment) Use resources from the read/watch sections related to adult learning principles. Use your newly found articles to guide the development of a one-hour professional training session that would introduce DEI (Diversity, Equity & Inclusion) for the workplace. Be creative! Address how you would use the adult learning literature to shape the professional training session. This assignment should be at least two (2) pages, excluding the APA formatted cover page and references page. All written assignments must include specific references from the required readings and videos, an APA formatted cover page, and a references page. PLEASE READ and reread this handout (click the link): What is DEI Training? 3.How to Read a Journal Article Video Assignment First, listen to the video about how to read a journal article. List three things you learned from the video. Article link: Determining the Hierarchical Structure & Nature of Servant Leadership 4. Assignment: Summary of Servant Leadership Article Use the article: Determining the Hierarchical Structure and Nature of Servant Leadership provided in the readings. Start paper with APA formatted citation of the article. In your own words, explain what you learned from the article’s Abstract. Summarize the Introduction of the article that follows the Abstract. Summarize only the article section titled: Current Views on the Models of Servant Leadership. Finally, summarize findings titled: Implication for Practice. typing 5. Assignment: Leadership in Human Services Organization It is essential that you have a historical and practical understanding of how and why human service organizations function in society if you intend on being a good manager or leader. Read Chapter 1/Introduction by David Austin (2002). Summarize the following sections of the chapter. Use the heading below in your summary: The Rationalization of Society (pp.4-7) The Development of Societal Services (pp. 7-11) Development in the Twentieth Century (pp. 11-14) Theories about Organizations (pp. 21-27) Define the following Initial Concepts used in the chapter: Human service organization Organization Service Delivery Networks Stakeholder Constituencies Legitimation and Resources Private Goods and Public Goods Accountability This assignment should be at least three (3-5) pages, excluding cover and reference pages. All written assignments must include specific references from the required readings and videos, an APA-formatted cover page, and references. 6. Hot Topic Discussion: Individual Emotional Intelligence (Discussion Topic) Review the weekly resources, specifically the hot topic article (Bariso); how would you define emotional intelligence? Provide two examples of how or when you have used emotional intelligence in your job. How can emotional intelligence enhance your professional growth as a manager or leader? Discussion posts must include references to Required Readings & Videos. Your original post should be at least 250 words with relevant citations. You will be required to respond to at least 2 different classmates by Sunday. 7. Assignment: Quick Emotional Intelligence Self-Assessment Submit your answers to the Quick Emotional Intelligence Self-Assessment. Your professor will accept a screenshot of your completed assessment. Discuss how you would use the Quick Emotional Intelligence Self-Assessment in your professional activities. Provide specific examples (without confidential self-disclosure) of how you would improve your Emotional Intelligence. All written assignments must include specific references from the required readings and videos, an APA formatted cover page, and references. The assignment should not exceed two (2) pages excluding cover and references pages. 8. Assignment Part 1: Position Paper on Deconstructing Racism Assignment Part 1: Position Paper used for Your Video Note Write a Position Paper that outlines recommendations about how to deconstruct institutional racism in your workplace. Your recommendations must represent at least one clear strategy for improvement in addressing racism in your organization. Your position must be supported with scholarly or peer reviewed resources. Your written position paper should be used to guide your Video Note in the Discussion Board. It is strongly suggested that you watch the video: How to Use Sources in a Research Paper. A Position Paper, which is usually a detailed written statement, especially regarding a single issue, that articulates a position, viewpoint, or policy, as of a government, or an organization. This type of paper is formal, usually detailed written statement, especially regarding a single issue, that articulates a position, viewpoint, or policy, as of a government, organization, or political candidate. All written assignments must include specific references from the required readings and videos, an APA formatted cover page, and references.


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