Critical Infrastructure (Coco)

    Critical infrastructure (CI) resilience refers to the ability of CIs to absorb, resist, adapt and recover from the effects caused by a disruptive event.
The post Critical Infrastructure (Coco) first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.



Critical infrastructure (CI) resilience refers to the ability of CIs to absorb, resist, adapt and recover from the effects caused by a disruptive event. Examples of CIs include the supply of energy (oil, gas, and electricity), information and communication technology (including telecommunications and navigation), nuclear industry, water supply, healthcare (hospitals, medicines, and vaccines), provision of financial services (banks and insurance), civil administration (government functions and facilities), and function of transportation systems (road transport, railway transport, and air traffic). The most reported threats/hazards against CI are (1) natural disasters, (2) aging and decay, (3) cyber threats, (4) terrorist activities, (5) contamination, and (6) cascading failure/threat.

How would you promote the adoption and implementation of effective critical infrastructure resilience strategies to develop CI resilience instead of only focusing on the protection of CI?


The post Critical Infrastructure (Coco) first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


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