You are also asked to make any recommendations for their design and development in adhering to relevant Codes of Conduct, Codes of Ethics, Legislation and guidelines etc. to assist in informing responsible computing. Your report should be 1250 (*A 10%) words and show evidence of research in the available, rele

Assessment task details – provide a description of the task
in your capacity as a professional L.omputing rracutioner, you nave oeen asses to research, analyse, and review the advantages and disadvantages of using Robots in society, and to raise any relevant concerns for their development in the future. You are also asked to make any recommendations for their design and development in adhering to relevant Codes of Conduct, Codes of Ethics, Legislation and guidelines etc. to assist in informing responsible computing. Your report should be 1250 (*A 10%) words and show evidence of research in the available, relevant literature and you should use the IEEE referencing system, supplying full details of all references used
Submission instructions – What should be the format of the submission? / Where should it be submitted?


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