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Recruiting Plan for Your Organization

  Healthcare organizations need to be constantly recruiting employees. Two main factors create the need for continuous recruiting demands: 1) organic organizational growth, requiring more staff;
The post Recruiting Plan for Your Organization first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


Healthcare organizations need to be constantly recruiting employees. Two main factors create the need for continuous recruiting demands: 1) organic organizational growth, requiring more staff; and 2) employee turnover, which requires replacement staff.

Regardless of the cause of the vacancies, effective and high-quality patient care depends on the HR department’s ability to deliver qualified applicants to the hiring manager on a timely basis.

Over a long period of time, two strategies emerge: 1) short-term, which is needed to fill immediate needs and is used when recruiting applicants who are in ready supply; and 2) long-term, where either a training lag exists between those interested in that career and those applicants being eligible to be hired, or it is known that a steady supply of applicants will be needed and there aren’t sufficient sources from which to immediately draw from to satisfy demand.

This longer-term strategy requires the creation of networks and relationships with training schools and other sources of applicants and often requires a mutual support system to be established to ensure the relationship is maintained over time.


The post Recruiting Plan for Your Organization first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


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