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Critically write a 3000-word essay on the ageing population of the UK and identify how socio-economic and demographic changes will affect the health system of the country. You need to identify the key responses needed from public healt

Summative Assessment

Critically write a 3000-word essay on the ageing population of the UK and identify how socio-economic and demographic changes will affect the health system of the country. You need to identify the key responses needed from public health to tackle all such challenges for an ageing society.

The following sections you need to address systematically. 

1). Introduction (300 words)
2). Discussions:

  1. Critically justify the reason for selecting the country/territory for writing the essay. (600 words)
  2. Critically evaluate the demographic situation of the global as well as your local geographical territory. (600 words)
    Examine the drivers of demographic change and identify factors affecting such change in the selected country or territory. (600 words)
  3. Evaluate how population ageing is linked with public health for sustainable development particularly improving health interventions. (600 words)


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