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Building Partnerships: Discuss the communication process, ethnic diversity, religious diversity, the challenges of dealing with diversity, how to manage persons with disabilities, age diversity, how to handle victims and witnesses, and the directions of victim’s rights and services in the 21st Century. (Chapter 6) Sample of an APA paper

The following are the three areas for your paper:

History of Community Policing: Brief history of policing, discuss the early beginnings of community policing, and clearly outline and define the three eras of policing. (Chapter 1)

Understanding and Involving the Community: Define community policing, discuss the effects of lack of community support including the phenomenon of “bowling alone” and “broken windows.” Outline community demographics, the criminal justice system, restorative justice, and citizen involvement in the law enforcement community. Make sure to discuss civilian review boards, citizen patrol, and citizen police academies. (Chapter 3)

Building Partnerships: Discuss the communication process, ethnic diversity, religious diversity, the challenges of dealing with diversity, how to manage persons with disabilities, age diversity, how to handle victims and witnesses, and the directions of victim’s rights and services in the 21st Century. (Chapter 6)

Sample of an APA paper

Include a cover page

Title of Paper


A few words about your research and then include a nice thesis statement.

First paragraph should be your first topic, for this paper use a header to make it easy:

History of Policing

Then talk about the history of policing making sure to hit the topics outlined in the rubric. Brief history of policing, discuss the early beginnings of community policing, and clearly outline and define the three eras of policing. You can find this information in Chapter 1. Make sure to break your work up into paragraphs.

Understanding and Involving the Community

Define community policing, discuss the effects of lack of community support including the phenomenon of “bowling alone” and “broken windows.” Outline community demographics, the criminal justice system, restorative justice, and citizen involvement in the law enforcement community. Make sure to discuss civilian review boards, citizen patrol, and citizen police academies. You can find this information in Chapter 3. There is a lot of information here so make sure to break it up into paragraphs.

Building Partnerships

Discuss the communication process, ethnic diversity, religious diversity, the challenges of dealing with diversity, how to manage persons with disabilities, age diversity, how to handle victims and witnesses, and the directions of victim’s rights and services in the 21st Century. You can find information for this section of your paper in Chapter 6. There are many pieces of information to write about so make sure to break up the subject matter into there own paragraphs.

Summary, conclusion, and opinion

Wrap it up by telling me what you just talked about. I like to use my same thesis from my introduction and just restating it. For example, “This paper will outline the history of community policing, discuss the effects of two phenomena, bowling alone and broken windows, and highlight the importance of building partnerships with the community.” That would be my thesis then I would restate as follows: “This paper outlined the history . . .” just make it past tense and lead into your conclusion. Lastly, give me your thoughts of the research, what did you learn, how did this new information impact you, and what you thought of the project.


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