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TASK 1: Discuss the role of customer experience contributions to the business success of your chosen company  Guidelines:  – Define customer experience and explain its components.

Module: Customer Experience  Strategy 

Coursework Assessment  Summative Brief 11

1. General Assessment Guidance 

• Your summative assessment for this module is made up of 2500 submission which  accounts for 100% of the marks  

Please note late submissions will not be marked. 

• You are required to submit all elements of your assessment via Turnitin online access.  Only submissions made via the specified mode will be accepted and hard copies or any  other digital form of submissions (like via email or pen drive etc.) will not be accepted

• For coursework, the submission word limit is 2500 words. You must comply with the  word count guidelines. You may submit LESS than 2500 words but not more. Word  Count guidelines can be found on your programme home page and the coursework  submission page. 

Do not put your name or contact details anywhere on your submission. You should  only put your student registration number (SRN) which will ensure your submission is  recognised in the marking process. 

• A total of 100 marks are available for this module assessment, and you are required to  achieve minimum 50% to pass this module. 

• You are required to use only Harvard Referencing System in your submission. Any  content which is already published by other author(s) and is not referenced will be  considered as a case of plagiarism. 

You can find further information on Harvard Referencing in the online library on the VLE.  You can use the following link to access this information: 


• BPP University has a strict policy regarding authenticity of assessments. In proven  instances of plagiarism or collusion, severe punishment will be imposed on offenders.  You are advised to read the rules and regulations regarding plagiarism and collusion in  the GARs and MOPP which are available on VLE in the Academic registry section. 

• You should include a completed copy of the Assignment Cover sheet. Any submission  without this completed Assignment Cover sheet may be considered invalid and not  marked.

3. Assessment Brief

You are tasked with writing a 2,500-word report on the customer experience (CX) strategy of a specific product from a company of your choice listed below. The  report should focus on analysing the CX strategy as it is implemented in a particular country where the company operates. 

You should write your report for the Board of Directors of the company you have chosen from the list below. Within the business report, reference should be  made to relevant CX concepts, literature and application as appropriate. Only use tables to answer the requirements where it is suggested to do so. Below is an  overview of the global retail chain industry. 

Industry Overview: 

The global banking industry increasingly leverages customer experience (CX) as a key competitive advantage. As digital transformation accelerates, banks are  focusing on personalized, seamless interactions across multiple channels to enhance customer satisfaction. Institutions are investing in technologies like artificial  intelligence (AI), data analytics, and automation to predict customer needs and offer tailored solutions in real-time. 

Customer experience is no longer limited to traditional service but extends to mobile and online platforms. With the rise of fintech, customers now expect fast,  frictionless banking experiences. Therefore, banks are working to optimize digital interfaces, reduce wait times, and offer more self-service options. Moreover, trust  and transparency have become crucial, as customers demand more secure, reliable, and ethical banking solutions. 

Banks that prioritize customer experience often benefit from higher customer retention, improved brand loyalty, and an enhanced competitive edge. In regions  where competition is fierce, superior customer experience can differentiate a bank from its competitors and foster long-term growth. This shift highlights the  growing recognition that in a digitally driven marketplace, exceptional customer experience is critical to delivering exceptional financial performance. 

Below are the top banks overview in the UK and student’s catchment areas:




HSBC Holdings 

Continues to lead with significant global operations and revenue of $66.1 billion  for the year ending December 2023. This represents a significant increase from  the $50.6 billion reported in 2022, driven primarily by growth in its balance sheet and a favourable interest-rate environment (Stock Analysis; HSBC).


HDFC Bank 

This private sector bank is the largest in India by revenue, with significant  growth driven by its strong lending portfolio and digital banking services. As of  the quarter ending December 2023, HDFC Bank reported a significant increase  in its revenue. The bank’s consolidated net revenue surged by 113.5%,  reaching ₹71,770 crore, compared to ₹33,620 crore in the same quarter of the  previous year. This substantial growth was driven by strong loan growth across  its retail, commercial, and rural segments. Additionally, HDFC Bank’s net profit  for the quarter rose by 33.5% to ₹16,373 crore. The increase reflects the bank’s robust performance post-merger with HDFC Ltd and its continued expansion in  the Indian banking sector. The bank have maintained its position through strong financial performance and innovation in digital services, making them dominant  players in the Indian banking sector (Upstox – Online Stock and Share TradingMoneyMint; HDFC Bank; FortuneIndia).



Habib Bank  

Limited (HBL)

HBL continues to lead the market with record profits, reporting a profit before  tax of Rs. 83.5 billion for the first nine months of 2023. Its total revenue for the  same period increased by 42% to Rs. 216 billion, with significant contributions  from its domestic and international operations. HBL’s strong performance is  driven by robust deposit growth and digital banking innovations. The bank have  benefited from high interest rates and increased customer deposits, which  contributed significantly to its profitability in 2023 (ProPakistani; Profit by  Pakistan Today).


Islami Bank  

Bangladesh Ltd.  (IBBL)

This bank consistently ranks as the top profit-earner in Bangladesh, achieving  significant revenues through a combination of lending growth and cost-effective  deposit management. In 2023, it remained the largest profit-making bank in the  country. As of the end of December 2023, Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd. (IBBL)  reported a total revenue of BDT 60.56 billion. This reflects a strong year-on year growth of approximately 23.93%, continuing the upward trend in their  financial performance from the previous year. IBBL also earned a net profit of  BDT 6.49 billion for the same period. The bank have managed to stay ahead  through prudent financial management and adapting to economic challenges  (Business Inspection BD; The Business Standard; The Finance Today; Stock  Analysis; Stock Analysis).


Nabil Bank 

As of the end of fiscal year 2023 (2079/80 in the Nepali calendar), Nabil Bank  reported a net profit of NPR 7.52 billion. This represents a significant increase  of approximately 77% from the previous year, when it stood at NPR 4.25 billion. Leading the sector by such net profit, this growth is attributed to the bank’s  strategic initiatives and sound financial management. The bank have shown  strong performances, contributing significantly to Nepal’s banking sector amidst  economic challenges (Fiscal Nepal; Investopaper; ICT Frame; My RepublicaInvestopaper).


Access Bank 

With gross earnings of ₦2.59 trillion, Access Bank has seen an 87% increase  from the previous year, securing its place as the top revenue earner in Nigeria’s banking sector. Additionally, Access Bank’s profit after tax also surged by 306% to ₦619.32 billion, compared to ₦152.20 billion in the previous year. The bank  benefited from a combination of strong operational strategies, growth in foreign  exchange revenue, and diversified financial services (Legit.ng – Nigeria news.Pulse Nigeria; Businessday NG; Vanguard News).



You need to address the following tasks: 

TASK 1: Discuss the role of customer experience contributions to the business success of your chosen company 


– Define customer experience and explain its components/processes. 

– Discuss how customer experience impacts business performance, including financial metrics and brand reputation. 

– Analyze how the business has successfully leveraged customer experience to achieve competitive advantage. 

– Brief explanation of customer-centricity in customer experience and the implications for the business. 

– Identify and explain three critical success factors that contribute to successful customer experience implementation.

TASK 2: Develop a customer journey map for your chosen company/product using a millennial (Gen Y) aged 30-35yrs consumer persona. Guidelines: 

– Overview of the selected company and its market environment. 

– Create a detailed persona based on market research and data analysis highlighting the following key elements specifically (Demographics/Profile,  Motivations, Goals, Painpoints) 

– Develop a customer journey map for the persona, identifying and explaining the following key elements specifically (Stages, Needs, Activities, Feelings,  Opportunities for improvements) 

– Analyze how the persona interacts with the customer journey map and what this reveal about the company’s customer base. – Offer strategic recommendations for enhancing customer engagement and experience based on the integrated analysis. 

TASK 3: Evaluate Net Promoter Score (NPS) and Lifetime Value (LTV) as two relevant customers experience performance metrics for your chosen company Guidelines: 

– Definition and importance of CX performance metrics. 

– List seven common CX metrics used across industries. 

– Identify and describe NPS & LTV CX performance metrics relevant for the selected organization. 

– Consider potential challenges in implementing and measuring these metrics. 

– Provide recommendations on how the organization can effectively implement these metrics. 

TASK 4: Critically evaluate the omni-channel strategy of your chosen company/product 


– Provide a brief overview of the selected retail chain, including its market position, target audience, and product offerings. – Describe the retailer’s omni-channel strategy in detail. This should include the various channels used (e.g., physical stores, online platforms, mobile apps,  social media), and how these channels are integrated. 

– Evaluate how the retailer ensures a seamless customer experience across channels. Discuss the technologies, processes, and organizational practices in  place to support this.

– Identify any challenges the retailer faces in maintaining a seamless omni-channel experience and discuss the solutions implemented to address these  challenges. 

Presentation: The report must be in clear font (e.g., Arial/Calibri point size 11) with consistent format styles, automatic page numbers and table of contents. Line  spacing should be 1.5. Maximum word count: 2500 (Summative) 

Suggested Structure: Your report structure should include the following sections:  

– Cover page University cover sheet 

– Title Page 

– Table of Contents 

Introduction 50 words  


o Task 1. 700 words  

o Task 2. 600 words 

o Task 3. 500 words 

o Task 4. 500 words 

Conclusion 150 words  

– References: If you have consulted any source, either printed or on-line, you must include it in the list of your references and dates of internet access where  applicable. For more information on referencing and the Harvard system access the link given in the General Assessment Guidance above. – Appendix (if appropriate): Appendices contain additional information which would be too detailed to include in the main body. Typical examples of  information included in appendices can be glossaries (if it is a technical report), tables with supporting statistical data, examples of research and so on. 

NOTE: The word count of (2500 words) only applies to the main body (shown in bold); i.e., cover page, table of contents, list of abbreviations, references and  appendix are not part of the word count. All submissions must be written in an academic style (not first person) and any figures, diagrams and independent  research must be appropriately referenced using the Harvard Referencing System. If you have any further questions about this coursework assignment, please  contact the tutor or the module leade

3. Marking Guide:



Fail (0-39%) 

Low Fail (40-49%) 

Pass (50-59%) 

Merit (60-69%) 

Distinction (70-79%) 

High Distinction (80- 100%)


LO1: Appraise  the importance  of customer  

experience for  the success of  the business.

Weak or no  

knowledge of CX with  weak definition,  

explanation, and  

importance. Weak or  no evidence of  

research into your  chosen company  

product to establish  implementation of  CX strategies and its  impact to deliver  



Limited knowledge of  CX with limited  


explanation, and  

importance. Limited  evidence of research  into your chosen  

company product to  establish  

implementation of  CX strategies and its  impact to deliver  




knowledge of CX with  some basic  


explanation, and  


Adequate evidence  of research into your  chosen company  

product to establish  implementation of CX  strategies and its  

impact to deliver  



Good knowledge of  CX with adequate  definition,  

explanation, and  

importance. Good  evidence of research  into your chosen  

company product to  establish  

implementation of  CX strategies and its  impact to deliver  



Excellent Knowledge  of CX with thorough  definition,  

explanation, and  

importance clearly  enumerated. Very  good evidence of  

research into your  chosen company  

product to establish  implementation of  CX strategies and its  impact to deliver  




Knowledge of CX  

with thorough  


explanation, and  

importance clearly  enumerated.  


evidence of research  into your chosen  

company product to  establish  

implementation of  CX strategies and its  impact to deliver  




LO2: Design  

and implement  a customer  



Weak or no visual  presentation of  

Consumer Persona  and Customer  

Journey Map. Lacks 

Limited visual  

presentation of  

Consumer Persona  and Customer  

Journey Map. Lacks 

Satisfactory visual  presentation of  

Consumer Persona  and Customer  

Journey Map with 

Good visual  

presentation of  

Consumer Persona  and Customer  

Journey Map with 


professional-looking  visual presentation  of Consumer Persona  and Customer 


professional-looking  visual presentation  of Consumer Persona  and Customer 



creation and  

measurement  metrics

relevance to the  

chosen company  

product. Weak or no  definition,  

explanation, role and  purpose in  

developing CX  

strategy identified. 

relevance to the  

chosen company  

product. Limited  


explanation, role and  purpose in  

developing CX  

strategy identified. 

adequate relevance  to the chosen  

company product.  Satisfactory  


explanation, role and  purpose in  

developing CX  

strategy identified. 

good relevance to  the chosen company  product. Good  


explanation, role and  purpose in  

developing CX  

strategy identified. 

Journey Map with  very good relevance  to the chosen  

company product.  Excellent definition,  explanation, role and  purpose in  

developing CX  

strategy identified.

Journey Map with  outstanding  

relevance to the  

chosen company  

product. Flawless  

and brilliant  


explanation, role and  purpose in  

developing CX  

strategy identified.


LO3: Evaluate  and propose  

organisational  CX  



Weak or no  

knowledge and  

explanation of CX  

performance metrics  with weak or no  

application to your  chosen company  

product. Inadequate  evaluation of  

effectiveness and  


Limited knowledge  and explanation of  CX performance  

metrics with limited  application to your  chosen company  

product. Basic  

evaluation of  

effectiveness and  



knowledge and  

explanation of CX  

performance metrics  with basic application  to your chosen  

company product.  Adequate evaluation  of effectiveness and  improvements. 

Good knowledge and  explanation of CX  

performance metrics  with good  

application to your  chosen company  

product. Good  

evaluation of  

effectiveness and  


Excellent knowledge  and explanation of  CX performance  

metrics with  


application to your  chosen company  

product. Excellent  evaluation of  

effectiveness and  



knowledge and  

explanation of CX  

performance metrics  with outstanding  

application to your  chosen company  

product. Impeccable  evaluation of  

effectiveness and  



LO4: Evaluate  how  

organisations  ensure a  

seamless omni channel 

Weak or no  

knowledge of the  

role of interaction  and customization to  improve and enhance  seamless omni 

channel marketing. 

Limited knowledge of  the role of  

interaction and  

customization to  

improve and  

enhance seamless  omni-channel 


knowledge of the  

role of interaction  and customization to  improve and enhance  seamless omni 

channel marketing. 

Good knowledge of  the role of  

interaction and  

customization to  

improve and  

enhance seamless  omni-channel 

Excellent knowledge  of the role of  

interaction and  

customization to  

improve and  

enhance seamless  omni-channel 


knowledge of the  

role of interaction  and customization to  improve and  

enhance seamless  omni-channel 



No evidence of  

extensive research  into chosen company  and justification is  lacking.


Inadequate evidence  of extensive research  into chosen company  and weak  


Adequate evidence  of extensive research  into chosen company  and basic  



Significant evidence  of extensive research  into chosen company  and adequate  


marketing. Very  

Good evidence of  extensive research  into chosen company  and impressive  




evidence of  

extensive research  into chosen company  and impressive  



LO5: Identify  

and critically  

evaluate CX  

processes in  


industries and  different  

brands and  

discuss success  factors.

Weak or no  

knowledge of CX  

processes with weak  explanation of its  

importance to  

developing CX  

strategy. Weak or no  evidence of research  into your chosen  

company product to  establish  

implementation of  CX processes. Weak  or no discussion of  CX critical success  factors and its impact  to deliver  



Limited knowledge of  CX processes with  inadequate  

explanation of its  

importance to  

developing CX  

strategy. Limited  

evidence of research  into your chosen  

company product to  establish  

implementation of  CX processes. Limited  discussion of CX  

critical success  

factors and its impact  to deliver  




knowledge of CX  

processes with basic  explanation of its  

importance to  

developing CX  

strategy. Satisfactory  evidence of research  into your chosen  

company product to  establish  

implementation of CX  processes.  


discussion of CX  

critical success  

factors and its impact  to deliver  



Good knowledge of  CX processes with  satisfactory  

explanation its  

importance to  

developing CX  

strategy. Good  

evidence of research  into your chosen  

company product to  establish  

implementation of  CX processes. Good  discussion of CX  

critical success  

factors and its impact  to deliver  



Excellent knowledge  of CX processes with  impressive  

explanation of its  

importance to  

developing CX  

strategy. Excellent  evidence of research  into your chosen  

company product to  establish  

implementation of  CX processes.  

Excellent discussion  of CX critical success  factors and its impact  to deliver  




knowledge of CX  

processes with  


explanation of its  

importance to  

developing CX  

strategy. Brilliant and  flawless evidence of  research into your  chosen company  

product to establish  implementation of  CX processes.  


discussion of CX  

critical success  

factors and its impact  to deliver  




Research Skills 

Inadequate or weak  academic/ 












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