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Methods. Participants. Insert your demographic statistics from your Data Analysis and Interpretation assignment. Be sure to revise based on any instructor feedback you received. Measures.

Insert the following from previous assignments into the template: Introduction. Insert your literature review after your title. If you have not done so previously, revise your literature review based on any instructor feedback. Methods. Participants. Insert your demographic statistics from your Data Analysis and Interpretation assignment. Be sure to revise based on any instructor feedback you received. Measures. Insert the measurement you chose from your Research Proposal. Be sure to revise based on any instructor feedback you received. Also, turn the future tense from the proposal to past tense for this assignment. Procedure. Insert your explanation of your procedure from your Research Proposal. Be sure to revise based on any instructor feedback you received. Also, turn the future tense from the proposal to past tense for this assignment. Results. Insert your statistical analysis from your data analysis assignment. Instructions For the Week 10 assignment, you will write the Discussion section and the Summary and Conclusion section of the template. The expected length is approximately three pages. In the Discussion section, answer the following questions: Interpret your results. What do your results mean? How do your results compare to what you predicted in your hypothesis? How do your results compare to other research studies? Make connections between your results and the sources cited in your literature review. Describe the generalizability of your results. Is your sample representative of the population you were trying to study? Include multiple demographic variables. Analyze the implications and consequences of your findings. If your results are correct, what should society do with them? What should psychologists do with them? Discuss the limitations and future directions of the study. Discuss research validity and reliability as they relate to your results. Consider your interpretation of the results and discussion of the limitations above when making forward-looking suggestions. Relate your results to a psychological theory or concept. Do your results support or not support a psychological theory or concept? Make connections between your results and the sources cited in your literature review. In the Summary and Conclusion section: Provide a brief summary of the key points, and end with your conclusions.


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