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As a leader, it will be important for you to model ethical behavior for the organization.  Write a 350- to 525-word synthesis describing leadership ethics. Your synthesis should include the following:

Discussion 1    250 words

Individuals develop a personal code of ethics and a definition of what is right and wrong based on early life experiences with role models. These role models might include parents, teachers, and others. Reflect on the significant relationships in your life as a child and young adult.

 Discussion 2.   250 words

Leaders are challenged to make high-stakes decisions that affect business results. Good leaders use both reason and emotion to make decisions that have an impact on employees and customers and often establish the ethical atmosphere of the organization.

 Assignment 1

 As a leader, it will be important for you to model ethical behavior for the organization.

 Write a 350- to 525-word synthesis describing leadership ethics. Your synthesis should include the following:

  • Define leadership ethics.
  • Summarize the importance of ethical leadership.
  • Outline how you will model ethical behavior as a leader using the SPL model.


Note: A well-structured scholarly paragraph contains 3–5 sentences. Please refer to the MEAL Plan as a guide. Avoid the use of first-person language. You will be writing this synthesis from a third-person perspective.





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