Best and Worst Training Experiences Essay This assignment is worth 20% of your final grade. It gives you an opportunity to apply concepts and theories from your studies to your real-life experiences in training programs. You must complete this assignment individually, without contacting other students, and you may not use a paper or any part of a paper from a previous class or from another person. The assignment addresses Course Objectives 1, 4, and 5. Most of us have had to participate in some type of training on our jobs, such as new employee orientation, lunch-and-learn workshops, Employee Assistance Program training, technical skill training, employee benefits update meetings, or management development workshops. Some of us have experienced on-the-job training. Others have participated in professional development workshops or skills-based continuing education classes. Think about the best and worst training experiences you have had. What made the best experiences excellent and what made the worst experiences terrible? YOUR ASSIGNMENT Write an 5-6 page essay (not including cover and reference pages) analyzing one of your best training experiences AND one of your worst training experiences. Be organized and succinct in your writing as you will be limited to a total of six pages for both experiences combined. Your essay should include brief descriptions of the training experiences:
The major focus of your paper is your analysis, which is worth 65% of the grade for this assignment. Your analysis should include:
The information above should be included in your paper but you are free to organize your essay in whatever way makes sense to you. You may use the first person (“I attended a program” or “the trainer told us”) in discussing your experiences. Support your analysis with citations from the readings from this class or other HR courses, and additional resources posted in our classroom. Make sure you define all key terms and cite the source(s) of your definition. Since this is not primarily a research paper, no specific number of references is required. However, you must cite your sources. References should be listed on a separate page. Your paper should be double spaced with one inch margins and a font size of at least 11 points; do not include any spaces between paragraphs or sections.