You will write a four-page assignment based on your reading of Children of the City in response to the following prompt:
Using Children of the City by David Nasaw as your only source describe the neighbourhood jobs and work done by the young boys and girls, the way they spent the money they made, and how working and having money changed their lives. Do not discuss agricultural work or factory jobs in the essay.
You will write the assignment using the following format directions:
1-A separate cover page with your name, date the assignment is due October 16, 2020, title of the essay (Children of the City assignment), History 371, Fall 2020 and also copy and paste the prompt onto the cover page.
2-You will use a 12-point font, 1” inch margins, double-spaced, and no extra spaces between paragraphs. Format your word processor program appropriately.
3-The assignment will end somewhere on page four. The cover page does not count towards the length requirement.
4-You cannot copy sentences directly out of the book or quote the book.
5-You cannot reference the book directly. Do not say “Chapter 2 of Children of the City talks about the new games children played.” Instead just say that “Children played new games in the city.”
6-Do not use the personal voice. Do not say “I think children learned new games playing in the city.” Just say that “Children learned new games playing in the city.”
First Paragraph-Describe the neighborhood jobs and work done by boys. I specifically prohibit you from discussing any agricultural or factory jobs.
Second Paragraph-Describe the neighborhood jobs and work done by girls. I specifically prohibit you from discussing any agricultural or factory jobs.
Third Paragraph-Describe where and on what young boys spent their money on.
Fourth Paragraph-Describe where and on what young girls spent their money on.
Fifth Paragraph-Explain how the work children did and how having their own money changed their lives.
You must follow this exact paragraph order.
In the final paragraph of the essay you need to describe how work, jobs, and money changed the lives of the children.
You will need to read carefully and think before writing this part of the assignment.
What did children learn making money?
Where did they go to make money and how did these locations affect them?
Who did they make money from and what did this teach them?
How did being away from parental supervision while they made money and spent money change them?
The answers to these questions should help you understand how work, jobs, and money changed the lives of the boys and girls.
You will find this information throughout the book, but chapters nine through thirteen will help here.
Describe children’s spending in the same way you described the jobs and work children did to help support their families.
Identify specific places where children spent money and specific items they spent money on.
You will find examples of spending throughout the book, but chapters eight and nine contain a concentration.
Remember, do not copy sentences directly from the book or quote the book. Write the descriptions in your words.
Use the names for jobs from the book. Describe the work done and the compensation received. Children did not always get money in payment for their work, yet it was payment, nonetheless.
Learn the concept of “opportunity costs.” Any task a child spends time on has a cost when compared to an alternative task they did not perform. For example, writing this paper means you did not get to work a shift at work so the “opportunity costs” of writing the paper cost you money.
Opportunity costs can benefit an individual. When a parent kept their children in the house to help with the cooking or cleaning instead of letting them go play it saved the parents’ time. The opportunity cost of not letting the students play let the parents get more work done in less time.
You will see examples of such opportunity costs throughout the book.
You will find examples of work and jobs throughout the book, but chapters four through seven contain a high concentration.
Remember, do not copy sentences directly from the book or quote the book. Write the assignment in your words. You can use the same names for jobs, but do not copy sentences.