Develop a training manual (3-4 pages) to ensure new hires have a solid understanding of income statements, balance sheets, and the elements that go into them.
Use this information to meet the requirement:
The organization you work for is Urban Outfitters. Use the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission website to find the Urban Outfitter’s 2016–2017 financial statement’s summary of significant accounting policies. Look at the data for 2015, 2016, and 2017 for the following examples of essential elements you need to cover with John and ensure his understanding.
Advertising. Examine the criteria used to expense and capitalize advertising costs and where these costs appear in the financial statement.
Store opening costs. Examine how store opening and organization costs were handled and where these costs appear in the financial statement.
Website development costs. Examine the approaches taken during the application and infrastructure development stage and the planning and operating stage.
As you prepare your training materials use the examples you collected from the company’s Notes to financial documents to illustrate how you address the following items:
Explain how one or more of the following costs are captured:
Store opening. If store opening costs were capitalized, over what time period would you amortize them? Explain why you selected this time period.
Website development.
Analyze the importance of Notes to financial statements in interpreting financial statements.
Explain how the accounting method the company uses affects the financial statements.
Explain how the financial statements would differ if another method were used to capture the costs.
If you have a preference for capitalizing or expensing these costs, explain why it is your preference.
Explain how accounting concepts and practices impact financial reporting.
Explain how the accounting method the company used affects the financial statements.
Compare how two accounting methods differ in their effects on the financial statements.
Competency 4: Communicate financial information with multiple stakeholders.
Communicate accounting information clearly.
Training manual must include:
Title (slide or page).
References (slide or page).
Appendix with supporting materials. If you are using a firm or scenario of your choosing, ensure faculty has sufficient information to understand how you reached your recommendation.
At least two APA-formatted references.
1. Marshall, D., McManus, W., & Viele, D. (2020). Accounting: What the numbers mean (12th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
2. Jones, D. J. (2012). Visualizing accounting transaction flows into financial statements. American Journal of Business Education, 5(6), 753–757.
3. Droms, W. G., & Wright, J. O. (2015). Finance and accounting for nonfinancial managers: All the basics you need to know. New York, NY: Basic Books.