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Consider that you work for a company that develops and sells case studies and case study analyses. Your company’s primary customers are colleges and universities wanting to use them within their courses, but your company also has customers using them for management training and

Consider that you work for a company that develops and sells case studies and case study analyses. Your company’s primary customers are colleges and universities wanting to use them within their courses, but your company also has customers using them for management training and development. Your manager asked you to conduct research and develop a … Read more

Once you have selected a business-related case involving tort law and an organization impacted by the decision, assume you’re a senior manager in the organization you selected and that you were

 The first step in preparing your case law analysis is to choose a legal decision involving contracts. In your briefing, you must be able to understand the court’s decision, summarize it, and evaluate it. You may choose any publicly available legal case involving a breach of contract or dispute arising from a contractual agreement. To … Read more

For your white paper, you may use the same company you selected for another assessment or select a different company from this list: Amazon. Apple. Boeing. L. L. Bean. Intel. General Motors. Starbucks.

For your white paper, you may use the same company you selected for another assessment or select a different company from this list: Amazon. Apple. Boeing. L. L. Bean. Intel. General Motors. Starbucks. Walgreens. Walmart. Your workplace (if your company sells more than $50 million per year). Conduct your research and write about the selected … Read more

Module 6: Critical Thinking & Application Prompts (Sp25) Instructions Instructions for Critical Thinking & Application Prompts: Each week, you will be presented with a series of critical thinking and application prompts. You will be directe

Module 6: Critical Thinking & Application Prompts (Sp25)   Instructions Instructions for Critical Thinking & Application Prompts: Each week, you will be presented with a series of critical thinking and application prompts. You will be directed to the applicable set of prompts by clicking the “Take the Quiz” button below.  Prior to starting this assignment, be … Read more

In this assignment, you will read the article, “Teaching Case: Security Breach at Target.” Then you will write a 3-4 page case analysis in which you: Outline the security breach at Target. Describe how Target became aware of the security breach. Examine the security breach’s

In this assignment, you will read the article, “Teaching Case: Security Breach at Target.” Then you will write a 3-4 page case analysis in which you: Outline the security breach at Target. Describe how Target became aware of the security breach. Examine the security breach’s impact on Target’s customers. Recommend security controls that could have … Read more

Building Partnerships: Discuss the communication process, ethnic diversity, religious diversity, the challenges of dealing with diversity, how to manage persons with disabilities, age diversity, how to handle victims and witnesses, and the directions of victim’s rights and services in the 21st Century. (Chapter 6) Sample of an APA paper

The following are the three areas for your paper:History of Community Policing: Brief history of policing, discuss the early beginnings of community policing, and clearly outline and define the three eras of policing. (Chapter 1)Understanding and Involving the Community: Define community policing, discuss the effects of lack of community support including the phenomenon of “bowling … Read more

MGMT360:7:Online Leadership Assignment 7.1 Chapter 14 Leadership Development Case for Analysis: Culture Clash Writing Requirements

MGMT360:7:Online Leadership Assignment 7.1 Chapter 14 Leadership Development Case for Analysis: Culture Clash Writing Requirements APA format, 2 pages for each question Use the APA template located in the Student Resource Center to complete the assignment. Discussion 7.1 A management consultant said strategic leaders are concerned with vision and mission, while strategic managers are concerned with strategy. Do … Read more

You are in the same role you chose for Project One: Because you did such fantastic work with the training you held for community members and sworn officers, the Civilian Office of Accountability, a local

CJ 120 Project Three Guidelines and Rubric CompetencyIn this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency:Describe how differences in culture impact society’s interactions with criminal justice professionals ScenarioYou are in the same role you chose for Project One: Because you did such fantastic work with the training you held for community members … Read more

Select three of the scenarios below and write up a paragraph for EACH scenario analyzing the ethical issues. Use the Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics as your frame of reference.

Select three of the scenarios below and write up a paragraph for EACH scenario analyzing the ethical issues. Use the Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics as your frame of reference. At a minimum, identify the violator(s), violation(s), which commandment(s) they violate, why, and/or how, and what you feel should happen to the violator(s). A company’s employee uses … Read more

In this project, you will select, develop, and analyze an in-depth case analysis. This project aims to utilize course concepts to strategically analyze an organization of your choosing from one of the cases

Week 8: Course Project Deliverable 3InstructionsYou will be submitting the Course Project Deliverable 3 this week for grading. You can find what you need to complete this assignment in the Course Project Overview page in the Introduction and Resources module. You will be graded based on the following rubric.Don’t forget to submit your assignment.ActionSelect the Start Assignment … Read more


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