Prepare a business style report whichcontains the following:a).ER diagrambased on defined scenario).

Toys 4 Uis acompanythat specialises intoy hirefor parties, kindergartens andplay groups. Theyalso offer equipment for infants and babies forhire.Toys 4 Ucan own several copies (TOYCOPY) of eachtoy(TOY). For example, astore may have 10 copies of thetoyRocking Horse. In the database,Rocking Horse would be oneTOY, and each copy would be aTOYCOPY. Ahire transaction (HIRE) involves one … Read more

implement a full range of dynamic tests for a particular use case, ranging from low level unit tests, through at least two levels of integration testing, to system testing.

Full range of developer based dynamic software testing.   In Part A, you need to critically analyse the provided case study and design documents to determine the areas of highest product and technical risk. You then need to create a minimal ‘Master Test Plan’ in which you specify the amounts and types of testing you … Read more

Create the above database using your existing SQL skills.

Earring Shade is a single-page web app that allows users to post their opinions about earrings online, and reply to other people’s opinions. Users can post new opinions, which include some review text and, optionally, their name. Opinions submitted without a name are labelled “anonymous” and should have distinct formatting. Users can additionally “like” other … Read more

Write a program which accepts a list of integers which may contain duplicated integers, and which outputs the input list as a sorted list in ascending order without duplication (the same program as specified in Assignment 1).

Write a program which accepts a list of integers which may contain duplicated integers, and which outputs the input list as a sorted list in ascending order without duplication (the same program as specified in Assignment 1). You can use either Ruby, C, C++, C# or Java to implement your program (referred to as P). … Read more

identify the performance parameters such as load distribution, throughput graph, time sequence graph, flow graph and window scaling graph.

This assignment is intended to improve student’s analytical skills in addition to Wireshark utilization to capture data from live network traffic. In the on-going labs, students have learned how to analyze HTTP packets, TCP packets streams, audio streaming with TCP. Students have also learned to identify the performance parameters such as load distribution, throughput graph, … Read more

describe how a change management plan reduces the organization’s risk from known threats.

Cyber security tools are available to organizations requiring integration of its problem management, configuration management, and incident management processes.   The CEO and CIO need you and your team to create an IRP and change management plan. These plans will help the organization choose the appropriate cyber security tool. Part I: Incident Response Plan Incident … Read more

what roles transportation carriers play in proper storage and disposal of hazardous materials to mitigate environmental degradation?”

Hazardous Material Management (HAZMAT) in the United States   TOPIC: Hazardous Material Management (Hazmat): The Perspective of Transportation Carriers on the Environment. Every country has established a regulatory body under government oversight to regulate and ensure safe and secure transportation of hazardous material to industry, consumers, and the environment by every means of transport. The … Read more

Demonstrate the use of research evidence for nursing practice applied to the care of a surgical patient

Written Assignment NUR2203– Nursing the Surgical Patient: Task overview Assessment Nursing the Surgical Patient Assignment Objectives 1.       Demonstrate the use of research evidence for nursing practice applied to the care of a surgical patient 2.       Augment skills in clinical decision making and reasoning through synthesising and analysing information required to care for a surgical patient … Read more


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