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The features of a “good” qualitative study according to Creswell and Poth are:  that the researcher will structure the study based on a set of  assumptions and collect data  and focus on the  participants views,

Post #1 What are the features of a “good” qualitative study? The features of a “good” qualitative study according to Creswell and Poth are: that the researcher will structure the study based on a set of assumptions and collect data and focus on the participants views, the researcher conducts an ethical study where they will … Read more

Gay And Capitalism.

Using the resources provided in this week’s module, discuss how capitalism and gay identity are related. Discuss the history and use of the term “queer” and how it is part of gay identity. Lastly, how do the readings support this week’s film. Cite specific quotes and scenes from the resources and as you add to … Read more

What do you see as the values and detriments of such communication differences in the context of a romantic relationship

 Creation in biblical perspective 1) What do you see as the values and detriments of such communication differences in the context of a romantic relationship (utilizing specific examples of these differences from the text)? (Sexuality Now: Embracing Diversity book ONLY CHAPTER 3)   2) How do you imagine this is enriched and/or complicated further by … Read more

Write a case study on segmentation, targeting and positioning for a service outlet of your choice (Bank, Hospital, Hospitality, etc.) in UAE.

Write a case study on segmentation, targeting and positioning for a service outlet of your choice (Bank, Hospital, Hospitality, etc.) in UAE. Your report should include: A brief introduction to the company and its products A theoretical literature review on the following concepts – segmentation, targeting and positioning A detailed description of variables used by … Read more

Submit a country inventory for a country. This country inventory will be made up of four parts. These four parts are cultural geography, physical geography, political geography and what the future holds for this country.

CountryInventory: Description – Students will submit a country inventory for a country they have selected. This country inventory will be made up of four parts. These four parts are cultural geography, physical geography, political geography and what the future holds for this country. Method of Evaluation: The paper should be approximately 4 pages in length … Read more

Write about the viability of photovoltaic system and passive design strategies toward near-zero energy in low-income residential buildings

Building Energy – The L.R. will be used in a research paper targeting Q1 or Q2 journals. – The suggested research topic is “The viability of photovoltaic system and passive design strategies toward near-zero energy in low-income residential buildings” The suggested topics to be covered in the L.R. are as in the following: ( you … Read more

Offer specific details and examples as to how private sector organizations and their employees can have a direct impact on addressing each of these goals during this timeframe.

Private Sector Addressing DHS Strategic Plan Goals In the DHS Strategic Plan: Fiscal Years 2020-2024 , the following goals have been established that the private sector can have a direct impact upon: -Counter-terrorism and homeland security threats -Securing U.S. borders and approaches -Secure cyberspace and critical infrastructure -Preserve and uphold the nation’s prosperity and economic … Read more


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