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Implement communication strategies for delivering negative news.

Communicating Negative News   The purpose of this assignment is to implement communication strategies for delivering negative news. Select one of the following scenarios at the end of Chapter 11 in Business Communication Today. Write a 100-250-word e-mail responding to the scenario. Incorporate the conventions related to delivering negative news in an indirect manner by … Read more

Name and discuss in 1-2 sentences each three features of pop music, and especially rock and roll, that made it such an important challenge to the Soviet system.

Timothy Ryback, “Rock around the bloc”   Name and discuss in 1-2 sentences each three features of pop music, and especially rock and roll, that made it such an important challenge to the Soviet system. Name three ways that late 1960s Soviet authorities tried to control access to what they deemed decadent forms of popular … Read more

Why did the first Chechen War break out in the early to mid 1990s? What was happening in Russia and in Chechnya that precipitated this intervention?

Chechnya Michael McFaul, “Eurasia Letter: Russian Politics after Chechnya” Peter Baker and Susan Glasser, “Kremlin Rising: Vladimir Putin’s Russia and the End of Revolution” pp. 15-37, 99-120, Why did the first Chechen War break out in the early to mid 1990s? What was happening in Russia and in Chechnya that precipitated this intervention?156-178.   Why … Read more

What were some of the “clues” that something was “off” (as in: not right) in Pripyat in April 1986? Name and discuss three “clues”.

Chernobyl   What were some of the “clues” that something was “off” (as in: not right) in Pripyat in April 1986? Name and discuss three “clues”. How did the Soviet government initially respond to the meltdown of the reactor at Chernobyl? How did it deal with the actual meltdown? With the advice given by experts … Read more

How does nostalgia for the USSR manifest itself in Russia today? Discuss three examples of this raised by Alexievich in her introduction.

Secondhand Time – 2 articles Two excerpts from Svetlana Alexievich, Secondhand Time: The Last of the Soviets: An Oral History. Tr. Bela Shayevich, (NewYork: Random House, 2016). In the introduction to Secondhand Time (excerpted in the Times Literary Supplement), Svetlana Alexievich asserts that Homo Sovieticus (the Soviet person) found it difficult to make the transition … Read more

Using the hot topic article this week as a resource, create a 1-page infographic or educational fact sheet highlighting 5 myths and 5 facts related to substance abuse addictions.

Hot Topic Fact Sheet/Infographic: Facts and Myths Using the hot topic article this week as a resource, create a 1-page infographic or educational fact sheet highlighting 5 myths and 5 facts related to substance abuse addictions. It should be visually appealing and must include a visual presentation to support the narrative. The post Using the … Read more

“Price connotes value” When is this used unethically? What are some examples of how this marketing practice could be misused and could lead to unethical actions?

“CST Applications” to Place and Price Strategies   Part A: post to the designated Canvas Discussion location your response to two different “Issues” listed below. (a) Separately explain how each issue is or is not ethical from a marketing standpoint AND from a Catholic Social teaching standpoint. Be specific. (b) Provide a company example of … Read more


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