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PSY305 End-of-Course Assessment January Semester 2025 SUSS : Cognitive Psycholog-Exploring the Mind

Answer ALL questions. Experimental Report: Change Detection (100 marks) Prepare an experimental report based on the CogLab “Change Detection” experiment. Examinerelevant theories and empirical research findings to prepare the report. Discuss the experimental results provided (PSY305 SPSS Output Jan25) to address the following research question: Are drivers better at detecting change compared to non-drivers? The … Read more

Portfolio Management and Security Analysis 2025 | Report

Reading: The recommended textbook for this class is: Elton, E.J., Gruber, M.J., Brown, S.J., and W.N. Goetzmann, 2014, Modern Portfolio Theory and Investment Management, 9th Edition. Any Investments textbook is also suitable for this class. A more advanced text is: Ferson, W.E., 2019, Empirical Asset Pricing: Models and Methods, MIT Press. This is an excellent … Read more

NCCL3DHSC Level 3 Unit 1 to Unit 10 Essential Knowledge for Health Care and Social Care

Unit-1 1- Describe the factors to consider when promoting effective communication 2- Explain how people from different backgrounds may use and/or interpret communication methods in different ways 3- Identify the barriers to effective communication 4- Identify the different reasons people communicate within a health and social care environment 5- Explain how communication can affect relationships … Read more

Problem Sheet on Fluid Mechanics, Heat & Mass Transfer, and Materials Science

Assignment The problem sheet following needs to be solved by someone with a background in chemical engineering, materials science, physics. Flow of Newtonian fluids Hydrostatics Vorticity Conservation of mass, energy and momentum Ideal fluids Ideal incompressible fluids, Bernoulli theorem Viscosity, flow in nozzles, pipes, and capillaries Turbulence Boundary layer Dimensional analysis, dynamical similarity Heat conduction and … Read more

Delivering Successful projects DSP component 1 – Group Presentation

Module Title: Delivering Successful projects Component 1 : Group Presentation Assignment Brief Choose one of the following events to organize: Community Book Fair: Bringing together authors, publishers, and readers for a celebration of literature. Outdoor Fitness Festival: Promoting health and wellness with fitness classes, nutrition workshops, and interactive activities. Art and Craft Exhibition: Showcasing local … Read more

Global Business and Economics : Component 1 – Report (2500 Words)

Module Title: Global Business and Economics Component 1 : Group Report Words : 2500 Assignment Task: This assignment requires you to explore the impact of microeconomic and macroeconomic factors on business operations, decision-making, and strategies. You are tasked with examining the influence of both micro and macroeconomic environments on businesses, using relevant economic theory, real-world … Read more

Delivering Successful Projects : Component 2 – Individual Project Report -1500 words

Module Title : Delivering Successful Projects Component 2 : Individual Project Report Project Report -1500 words Assignment This assignment focuses on the theoretical foundations of projects and project management, requiring you to analyse and discuss key concepts independently. You will explore the meaning of a ‘project’ and ‘project management’ using both the material from class … Read more

HWSC5001: Equality and Social Justice in Health, Illness, and Society

Module Code: HWSC5001 Module Title : Equality and Social Justice in Health, Illness, and Society Introduction to the case study Title slide with the title of your presentation and information about the Module title, group members, such names Slide introducing your chosen case study (i.e. South Asian Community, Type 2 Diabetes etc.) explaining why you … Read more


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