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Explain the purpose and influence of political ideology.

Political Ideology Learning Content: 1. Political Ideology: Crash Course Government and Politics #35 (at least 2 citation) 2. Fascism Explained: World History Review (at least 2 citation) 3. Fascism vs Democracy – What’s The Difference? – Political Comparison(at least 2 citation) Assignment Requirements: Your discussion post (your response to the prompt) must include 6 citations … Read more

Use of bedside report compared to report at the nursing station. Describe the nursing clinical practice problem and why the problem is significant to nursing practice.

Moving Shift Report to Bedside Reporting in Nursing Practice Problem Use of bedside report compared to report at the nursing station Describe the nursing clinical practice problem and why the problem is significant to nursing practice. Include data, evidence, or statistics to demonstrate that the identified clinical practice problem is a priority. Write a PICOT … Read more

Patrice Simms states, “a more diverse body of decision-makers, who more vividly conceptualize environmental issues at a multidimensional level, can lead to better decisions.” What does she mean by this?

Environmental Justice and Public Policy Patrice Simms states, “a more diverse body of decision-makers, who more vividly conceptualize environmental issues at a multidimensional level, can lead to better decisions.” What does she mean by this? How does diversity within state and federal structures ensure a more developed decision-making process regarding environmental justice and public policy? … Read more

Describe the business-level strategy that Tesla employs.

Tesla’s business-level strategy Describe the business-level strategy that Tesla employs. Does it trend more towards a low-cost leadership strategy or is it more of a differentiator? Does it target several broad consumer segments or focus on a few? What value does it offer customers? Some things you will want to consider here is how does … Read more

Develop a Communications plan, using the template identified in the lecture slides and from the PMBOK’s Project Manager’s Book of Forms, for the workbook case study

IT project management 1. Develop a Communications plan, using the template identified in the lecture slides and from the PMBOK’s Project Manager’s Book of Forms, for the workbook case study (page 38 of lecture slides) 2. Develop a Merged Stakeholder profiling and Engagement plan as per page 42 of the lecture notes The post Develop … Read more

Make sure the sources exist in the databases provided by the FTCC library before proposing a topic. Locate between seven to ten scholarly sources related to the specific focus of your topic.

You MUST make sure the sources exist in the databases provided by the FTCC library before proposing a topic. For this assignment, you will be required to locate between seven to ten scholarly sources related to the specific focus of your topic. As you read the articles, pay special attention to the separate issues they … Read more

Motor Carriers/Railroads

      Perform the following tasks. Step 1: Post your response(s) to the following prompt(s) on the discussion board: If appropriate, include personal experience in your responses   Review the video in the Link below: Customer Service http://www.viddler.com/embed/765c2261/?f=1&autoplay=0&player=full&disablebranding=0 *Discuss how the motor carrier industry must be improved over the next decade to provide the … Read more

The effect of COVID-19 to Africans/black

    Discuss the effect of COVID-19 to Africans/black race and how unpreparedness aids to her thriving among the blacks.       The post The effect of COVID-19 to Africans/black first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.

The Hebrew Prophets

    Research the topics of Authorship & Dating one of the Writing Prophets. Seek and use Academic / Scholarly Journal articles, Critical Commentaries with an Editor, and / or other non-biased scholarly resources. The textbook for the class is New Oxford Annotated Bible with Apocrypha. the class is The Hebrew Prophets. The post The … Read more


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