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The Sunflower

Using The Sunflower Discussion Questions, as well as anything else from Simon’s opening narrative, type a 3-5 paragraph response explaining what questions or considerations are most crucial in order to address Simon’s question. If you refer to specific passages from The Sunflower, please be sure to cite the page numbers in a parenthetical ( ). … Read more

Off the Rails

  Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper assessing the situation at the detention center. Include a discussion of the following questions:   How does the lack of leadership from the chief executive affect an organization? Can other sources provide leadership? Who are constituents of the detention center? How are they affected by the situation? What … Read more

Sexual Harassment and Feminism

  Undergraduate thesis must include an introduction and background of the study, statement problem, conceptual framework, scope and delimination, definition of terms, literature reviews, methodology of studies, presentation, analysis, and interpretation of data, summary of findings, conclusion and recommendations The post Sexual Harassment and Feminism first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.

Managing Communication Issues

  Communication can be a challenge as there are many variables to consider. In order to manage workplace communication effectively, you need to understand how communication works within the various criminal justice entities.   Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you discuss communication problems that occur in the following:   External environment, such … Read more

describe market neutral alternative funds – advantages and disadvantages of these types of funds.

Question 1. Please describe market neutral alternative funds – advantages and disadvantages of these types of funds. Question 2. Please explain a detailed manner the advantages and disadvantages of quantitative funds and why are these type of funds raising Assets. Question 3. Behavioral finance has an impact on portfolio management specially in times of higher … Read more

intentionality and deceptive intentionality

The below journal article focuses on attribution theory and how it influences the implementation of innovation technologies. Two types of employee attributions are noted in the article (intentionality and deceptive intentionality), please review these concepts and answer the following questions: 1. Provide a high-level overview/ summary of the case study 2. Note how constructive intentionality … Read more

Project Business Case, Charter, and Scope Statement.

1. Project Business Case, Charter, and Scope Statement. All of three are project management’ business documents implemented at the starting stages of a project. The project business case is a documented used to establish the validity of the benefits that is used as a base for the approval of further project management activities. In this … Read more


ASSIGNMENT 3 COUNTRY COMMERCIAL GUIDE CIA FACTBOOK Objective: The objective of this assignment is to learn and familiarize yourselves with resources that focuses on global marketplace. These resources are some of the most relied upon information source for global businesses when considering potential countries to enter. Department of Commerce’s site, www.export.gov has a very useful … Read more

Python basic arithmetic operators

Please submit files to Blackboard (see red font below). ○ Please clearly name your file with your last name, as indicated below. The grader would download many files at once, and having the last name in filename is crucial. Homework 2 ● Note: ​Plagiarism​ is serious. ○ This work should be finished independently. ○ Getting … Read more


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