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The summative (formally graded) assessment engages you in self-evaluation and reflection upon your development  and experiences in your formative class work and team task with a view to determining

Summative/individual graded assignment – Task  The summative (formally graded) assessment engages you in self-evaluation and reflection upon your development  and experiences in your formative class work and team task with a view to determining methods of self development.   Using the key concepts, approaches and models delivered throughout the module, you must: • Evaluate your individual … Read more

Your task for this assignment is to research and explore a case study of your choice related to programme management. There are no restrictions regarding the industry, location, or scale. However, discussing your chosen project

EE5001 – CW1 Project and Programme Management Assignment | Royal Holloway University Assignment Information: This assignment is an individual coursework report that will assess learning outcomes LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4 and LO5. You are required to explore programme management; you are expected to select a case study topic with an important theme relating to programme … Read more

You have been asked by your Managing Director to develop a new market offering for the organisation. Targeting the UK market, you need to design and deliver a new product* offering into an already cluttered marketplace.

Task/assessment brief: You have been asked by your Managing Director to develop a new market offering for the organisation. Targeting the UK market, you need to design and deliver a new product* offering into an already cluttered marketplace. This means that you need to create a specific market space for your new product with a … Read more

Sport Governance is an emerging field that has grown partly in response to ethical, legal and political problems that have bedevilled sports since its shift from amateur cultures

SR-M42 Managing Sports Integrity and Governance Assignment Guide Aims Sport Governance is an emerging field that has grown partly in response to ethical, legal and political problems that have bedevilled sports since its shift from amateur cultures to commercial organisational structures. It is an essential element of the management of sport. The development and implementation … Read more

You have decided to start a new business to launch an innovation with the potential for fast business growth. Your aim is to develop a market innovation that will achieve a step change in performance in relation

44-701431-BF Entrepreneurial Marketing and Innovation, Assessment Information : Poster Presentation And Project Portfolio Assessments – The Innovation Project The assessment package of this module is based on facilitating students to acquire entrepreneurial learning, centred on the process of developing a genuine market innovation. The Context You have decided to start a new business to launch … Read more

Evaluate the financial statements and other financial information relating to Waitrose Plc UK to assess how the company has performed over the past three years taking into account any problems or opportunities identified

Assignment Brief You are to write a 2500-word report on the financial position and performance of Waitrose Plc UK. To do this you need the latest and previous year annual reports of the company. (i)  Introduction (20% marks) You should provide a short introduction to the organisation (its key features), its current financial position (key … Read more

Critically evaluate how innovation and technology management could be contextualised to apply in the institutional environment LO2 Conceptualise and assess the process of how to lead and manage technology

Assignment Brief Assessment Overview The assessment for this module are designed to test specific aspects of students’ learning. They are mapped to the Module Learning Outcomes as shown in the table below. Learning Outcome Assessment LO1 Critically evaluate how innovation and technology management could be contextualised to apply in the institutional environment LO2 Conceptualise and assess the process of how … Read more

Foreign markets are evaluated using the PESTLE framework, which considers political, economic, social, technical, legal, and environmental considerations.  Approaches for modifying current items and generating

Assignment Title: Description of the assignment, task, content, and structure: To enhance your learning for this module, there are three courses that make up the module, with each course accounting for 10% of the total module grades. These courses are available on LinkedIn Learning, which contributes 30% to the overall module grades.You will need to … Read more

Choose any type of platform (e.g., user-generated content platform, and sharing platform) that interests you and has a significant influence in the industry; 2. Discuss the cognition and heuristics impact

Assignment Topic In the digital economy, platforms are transforming industries at high speed. Airbnb, Uber, Alibaba, Facebook, Amazon, YouTube, eBay, Apple, Google, Instagram are just some examples from a list of disruptive platforms. Each is unique and focused on a distinctive industry and market, and each has harnessed the power of the platform to transform … Read more

This assessment is an individual Research Proposal that presents student’s ability to design the research project to solve a theoretical or practical problem in the tourism industry in the UK based on the obtained knowledge of research

Assignment task This assessment is an individual Research Proposal that presents student’s ability to design the research project to solve a theoretical or practical problem in the tourism industry in the UK based on the obtained knowledge of research methodology and analysis of the most recent and relevant resources. This assignment has been designed to provide you … Read more


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