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Explain and critically evaluate the main social scientific research methodologies and methods appropriate for the business. LO 3 Draw on relevant academic literature and appropriate data sources to develop and evaluate insights from published mater

Assignment task This assessment is an individual Research Proposal that presents student’s ability to design the research project to solve a theoretical or practical problem in the tourism industry in the UK based on the obtained knowledge of research methodology and analysis of the most recent and relevant resources. This assignment has been designed to provide you … Read more

You are required to produce a 5-8-minute video presentation addressing a critical issue or challenge based on one of the themes listed below. You may choose to focus on an organisation, an industry, a specific financial/economic framework

Assignment Task This assignment is an individual piece of work. You are required to produce a 5-8-minute video presentation addressing a critical issue or challenge based on one of the themes listed below. You may choose to focus on an organisation, an industry, a specific financial/economic framework, or a broader market trend. Ensure that your research literature includes … Read more

You work for a Tour Operator located in the UK. You have been asked to assess one of the 10 most popular destinations in Australia to evaluate amenities, attractions and travel options available and the type of tourist visiting the destinatio

BTM0ASH Foundation Business & Tourism Management Assignment 1 Brief Learning Outcomes This assignment has been designed to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your achievement of  the following module learning outcomes: Identify, search, and assess academic information relevant to higher education study skills. Demonstrate an ability to use effective and appropriate academic skills when … Read more

This assessment is an individual Research Proposal that presents student’s ability to design the research project to solve a theoretical or practical problem in the tourism industry in the UK based

Assignment task This assessment is an individual Research Proposal that presents student’s ability to design the research project to solve a theoretical or practical problem in the tourism industry in the UK based on the obtained knowledge of research methodology and analysis of the most recent and relevant resources. This assignment has been designed to provide you … Read more

Critically write a 3000-word essay on the ageing population of the UK and identify how socio-economic and demographic changes will affect the health system of the country. You need to identify the key responses needed from public healt

Summative Assessment Critically write a 3000-word essay on the ageing population of the UK and identify how socio-economic and demographic changes will affect the health system of the country. You need to identify the key responses needed from public health to tackle all such challenges for an ageing society. The following sections you need to … Read more

This assessment is an individual presentation of the research proposal that presents student’s ability to effectively communicate the idea, objectives and research methodology o

Assignment Brief Task  This assessment is an individual presentation of the research proposal that presents student’s ability to effectively communicate the idea, objectives and research methodology of the planned research project and justify chosen research design. The students are expected to logically substantiate theoretical framework for preliminary research and research methodology, choice of data to … Read more

Choose a large organisation (example organisation list can be found be on Moodle). You are an Operations Management Consultant. You are required to undertake an individual research project, write a business report

Task/assessment brief: TASK: Choose a large organisation (example organisation list can be found be on Moodle). You are an Operations Management Consultant. You are required to undertake an individual research project, write a business report (4000 words+-10%) on the organisation’s current operations process and performance, and make original recommendations to achieve operational excellence.  The key … Read more

Physical Security Map for a High-Tech Facility

  Draw a security map for a high-tech facility using software (Visio, Word, PowerPoint, etc.). Incorporate suggestions from Ch 5 Controlling Physical Environments.pptx and go beyond The post Physical Security Map for a High-Tech Facility first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.   Draw a security map for a high-tech facility using software (Visio, Word, PowerPoint, etc.). … Read more

Female Patient Cases

You work in a women’s health clinic. Abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) is one of the most common reasons women seek health care.   Questions for the The post Female Patient Cases first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS. You work in a women’s health clinic. Abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) is one of the most common reasons women … Read more

Local anesthetics block voltage-gated Na+ channels.

      Local anesthetics block voltage-gated Na+ channels. General anesthetics are thought to activate chemically Cl- gated channels, thereby rendering the nervous system quiescent while The post Local anesthetics block voltage-gated Na+ channels. first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.       Local anesthetics block voltage-gated Na+ channels. General anesthetics are thought to activate chemically … Read more


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