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6WBS0017 (SDL)/6WBS0016 (ONL) Leadership in the 21st Century: A Critical Examination of the Development of Leadership to Meet the Needs of Contemporary Organisations

Assessment Criteria Learning Outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding assessed in this assignment: Discuss the origins and contemporary applications of management and leadership theory. Evaluate aspects of management and leadership practice. Learning Outcomes: Skills and Attributes assessed in this assignment: Assess different approaches to leadership and management. Discuss factors that influence the behaviour of individuals and leadership … Read more

Week 1 Case Studies Scenario 1 The Store Shopper Mary likes to shop at Safeway because she likes their wide variety of fresh fruits and vegetables. Periodically Mary is seen sampling the grapes and strawberries to determine their fre

Week 1 Case Studies Scenario 1 The Store Shopper Mary likes to shop at Safeway because she likes their wide variety of fresh fruits and vegetables. Periodically Mary is seen sampling the grapes and strawberries to determine their freshness and flavor. The store has no posted signs inviting shoppers to sample the fresh produce, yet … Read more


Module Code: BMM5422 Module Title: LEGAL ISSUES FOR MANAGEMENT Assessment: THE CASE STUDY Rationale This part of your module’s assessment is based around a case scenario that can be encountered by business managers on a regular basis. The case study will allow you to demonstrate your understanding of relevant case law in particular, together with … Read more

For your “Complete” assignment, you are to write a COMPREHENSIVE APA analysis paper/project including knowledge you gained from the Read and Attend throughout the course. A minimum of three scholarly sources are required

For your “Complete” assignment, you are to write a COMPREHENSIVE APA analysis paper/ project including knowledge you gained from the Read and Attend throughout the course. A minimum of three scholarly sources are required, and all sources should be cited and referenced in APA format. Do not self-plagiarize from the previous weeks. For support formatting the APA analysis paper, refer to the APA Template under the Resource tab … Read more

BUS5013 : Sales Management – Sales Proposal & Negotiation

Module Code: BUS5013 Module Title: Sales Management Assignment: Sales Proposal & Negotiation Maximum word count: 3,000 words Assignment Task This assessment is worth 100% of the total marks for this module. Sales Proposal The automobile industry is one that organisations and countries alike have agreed that improvements are needed. Several of the leading car manufactures … Read more

For the Unit 4 Complete assignment, write a narrative essay (minimum of 1200 words) which addresses the questions and statements below. When finished, the essay should demonstrate a thorough understanding of the READ

 For the Unit 4 Complete assignment, write a narrative essay (minimum of 1200 words) which addresses the questions and statements below. When finished, the essay should demonstrate a thorough understanding of the READ and ATTEND sections. A minimum of three scholarly sources are required, and all sources should be cited and referenced in APA format. Discuss the … Read more

Choose one of the following scripts to create a commercial. Once you choose the script below, You can record your own voice narration in Audacity or use an AI text to Speech generator to convert the text to audio. If you use the AI text to Speech

Powtoon Commercial Project Do not pay for anything on this site! Learning animation can be very challenging yet very fun. Navigate to the Powtoon website, click Pricing in the top menu, scroll down, and click FREE Start Now $0 free. Create an account if you do not already have an account. Also, if you do not have a Google/Gmail account for YouTube, please do create one so you can export your project. Learning Aids After creating your account, you can … Read more

BTM6GSM : Strategic Management of a UK based tourism organisation in the global business environment context (4000 words)

Module Code: BTM6GSM Module Title: Global Strategic Management Case study Assignment : 4000 words Topic: Strategic Management of a UK based tourism organisation in the global business environment context (4000 words) Conduct case study research on global strategic management and (choose 1) of the UK- based tourism organisations from the four organisations: P&O Cruises Royal … Read more

Choose one specific pathogen that commonly causes foodborne illness, such as e. Coli, Salmonella, Hepatitis A virus, Botulinum toxin, Bacillus Cereus, etc. This will be the topic of your public safety education campaign. The following elem

Instructions Your assignment this week will address course learning objectives 1, 3, and 4 Before beginning this assignment, make sure you have at least reviewed the week 4 discussion and the various types of public health and safety campaigns. This week, you will have a choice of how you show what you have learned about … Read more


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