Is it morally justifiable to steal from corporations and fund life-saving research for the betterment of society? Of children?

The McMillion Case In November of 1995, a McDonald’s game piece worth $1 million showed up in the mail at St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee. St. Jude’s Hospital is an organization whose mission is to find cures for dying children. McDonald’s generously waived the rules that only the winner could claim the winnings, … Read more

explore how to communicate in an effective and ethical way and why it is important to consider etiquette in your business communications.

You will explore the impact technology has had on business communication. You will also explore how to communicate in an effective and ethical way and why it is important to consider etiquette in your business communications. Deliverables A 350 – 500 word paper, formatted using APA academic standards for essays, summarizing the article; responses to … Read more

determine the motivation and ability of individuals to gain access to, understand and use information in ways which promote and maintain good health” (2020).

Health literacy is defined by the World Health Organisation “as the cognitive and social skills which determine the motivation and ability of individuals to gain access to, understand and use information in ways which promote and maintain good health” (2020). This goes beyond the concept of health education and encourages individuals and communities to take … Read more

Summarize your learnings in the files attached

Summarize your learnings in the files attached.:- FRAMING • Framing is a cognitive shortcut, such as framing money into one or two actual checking accounts or into one or two mental accounts we keep in our minds. Each shortcut involves considerations of utilitarian, expressive, and emotional benefits and costs. • We use framing shortcuts when … Read more

Describe an activity or process or product of your chosen company that exhibits economies or diseconomies of scale.

Describe an activity or process or product of your chosen company that exhibits economies or diseconomies of scale. Describe the source of the scale economy. How could the organization exploit the scale economy or diseconomy? A good example for this discussion identifies the output (what is being produced), the inputs, and how average cost (AC; … Read more

enhance students’ research and analytical ability through the application of their economics knowledge learned in the course unit to compose a company report.

This assignment aims to enhance students’ research and analytical ability through the application of their economics knowledge learned in the course unit to compose a company report. The recommended assignment structure for final submission is as follows: ? Table of content ? Executive Summary (Optional) ? Introduction ? Introduction to the company ? Industry/sector background … Read more


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