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complete the Planning For Your Module sections with these subtopics: Content Description Method of Evaluation, Development Plan, and Project Standards.

Based upon the knowledge gap identified in the needs assessment and the decision to develop a stand-alone, self-contained learning module, an Instructional Design Document (IDD) is created. The purpose of the Design Document is to provide a single source repository of the module’s design and development process. It provides a comprehensive and complete presentation of … Read more

Provide an overall conclusion on what you noticed about your organization’s culture and if that changed (or maintained) your perception of the organization in general.

For this project, apply concepts of culture as discussed in the reading. Remember, although this project asks for your experience and insights, its main objective is for you to apply the text readings and course concepts to your day to day life within an organization. Do not forget to add text material to support your … Read more

Discuss with relevance to the theory/ies you would base you intervention on and why. If you wish, you can choose a specific area of interest or a community (eg. Indigenous, elder abuse, a specific CALD community etc), Please discuss with Christine prior to starting this.

Essay other than personal reflection Choose either domestic /family abuse OR sexual abuse and explore the ways in which you might support a client. Ensure that you cover aspects such as: Definitions Myths Client safety Legalities Consequences and effects on children and on adults Ways forward. Discuss with relevance to the theory/ies you would base … Read more

identify an opportunity for a change to an organisation or sector, where that change will involve an Information Technology solution.

You are required to identify an opportunity for a change to an organisation or sector, where that change will involve an Information Technology solution. You are then to perform a range of business analysis activities, in order to prepare a document proposing at least 2 solution designs, as outlined in more detail below. The focus … Read more


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