Health Care Analysis “Medicare Turns 50”

“Healthcare Reform Hits Main Street”

1. After you watch “Medicare Turns 50”, what are two reasons why this piece of legislation took many years to be passed and implemented?

2. What happened that older Americans lacked health insurance prior to 1965? What system/How did older Americans receive coverage or pay for their health before they turned 65, prior to the start of the Medicare program?

3. Why were some legislators opposed to funding Medicare and Medicaid? What value or part of the American culture drives or reflects their thinking on funding a government entitlement program?

4. After you watch when “Healthcare Reform Hits Main Street”, what are three concepts about the Affordable Care Act you would share with someone? (please use full sentences)

5. What was driving the need for healthcare reform and the implementation of the Affordable Care Act by President Obama? Why would the implementation of the concepts in the Affordable Care Act benefit some populations in the U.S. Who are these populations/groups of people? (please name three)

The post Health Care Analysis first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


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