1.For this homework you will evaluate your top 3 ideas from

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1.For this homework you will evaluate your top 3 ideas from last weeks brainstorm as well as any other ideas you have come up with. The goal of this is for you to select the best (most relevant to the problems / needs identified, feasible, and novel / different than what already exists) idea to move forward into the Full VPC in the next homework. Remember that these three ideas should all be related to the SAME customer / user profile (the same JTBD, Pains, and Gains as summarized on the right side of the VPC). Please be sure to both describe how you see your ideas relevant to each question and also rate each idea from 1 to 10 on that question.This is effectively asking you to show your judge’s work in the creative process — What were some of the ideas that you considered? How did you ultimately decide on the final idea that you chose? Why were the other ideas not as good?Here is the template for this assignment.2. Please complete a full VPC for your best idea — this includes 1) a comprehensive analysis of a user or customer profile including their relevant JTBD and pains and gains (remember this is basically how you frame the opportunity / problem and is independent of your solution — i.e., details about your idea for a product / service should NOT appear in the right side of the VPC) and 2) a description of your idea for a product / service as well as how this relieve pains and creates gains (in the left side of the VPC) for users in the specific setting that you already described on the right side of the VPC. If you do not understand the VPC or any of its components please review materials from past weeks and/or post questions in the forums.This is the main document that we will use to give you feedback on your idea prior to your Product-Service Innovation assignment. Thus this is really important — we do not have time to review other or different ideas between now and the product-service innovation assignment deadline.Here is the template for this homework assignment.As noted, you can copy and build on / revise the information from the right side of the VPC that you used last week. Also, don’t forget to refer to the document I created to help you use the Value Proposition Canvas (linked here again)Finally, DO NOT FORGET to also submit this to the forums. The link is in the main page for the week (look right below this homework submission). This will be central to the JAM that is planned for next week and will get you feedback on your ideas.

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