Assignment Workload: This Assignment consists of 3 essay que

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Assignment Workload: This Assignment consists of 3 essay questions. Assignment is to be submitted by each student individually. Course Learning Outcomes-Covered 1 Demonstrate understanding of overall knowledge management concepts, goals and strategies within the context of organization 2 Explain issues pertaining to work with tacit knowledge & support its sharing 3 Explain processes of knowledge management in companies Submission Guidelines All students are encouraged to use their own words.This assignment is individual assignment.Be very specific and focused on the issue while answering a question.Student must apply Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA style guidelines and review at least three (3) scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles to support their answer for each question.A mark of zero will be given for any submission that includes copying from other resource without referencing it.No marks will be given for irrelevant details.It is strongly encouraged that you should submit all assignments into the safe assignment Originality Check prior to submitting it to your instructor for grading. If the assignment shows more than 25% plagiarism, the students would be graded zero.Assignment Questions Question 1: Explain the concept of knowledge management. Provide an overview of the history of knowledge management. (300-400 words) Question 2: Compare and contrast major knowledge management life cycle models, including the Meyer and Zack KM Cycle, Bukowitz and Wiliams KM cycle, McElroy KM Cycle and Wiig KM Cycle. Question 3: How is tacit knowledge different from explicit knowledge? Why is it difficult to directly codify tacit knowledge?Explain the following tacit knowledge capturing techniques in detail: Learning historyStorytellingInterviews

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