Kinetics Lab Report Turnitin

Determining Rate Laws: The Kinetics of the Bromination of Acetone

The acid-catalysed bromination of acetone in aqueous solution is a

multistep reaction. In this experiment you will determine the order

of the reaction with respect to acetone, bromine and proton (H+)

concentration, and from these, the rate law and observed rate

coefficient. This allows some understanding of the detailed

reaction mechanism and illustrates that the rate law cannot be

predicted from the reaction stoichiometry alone. The rates of many

chemical reactions are measured by following the change in some

physical property (such as electrical conductance, refractive index,

optical rotation, or light absorbance, etc.) and it is possible to relate

the change in that property to the extent of reaction. This applies to

any property that:

(a) changes during the reaction and;

(b) is proportional to concentration.

In this experiment, the progress of the reaction is monitored

directly by following the absorption of visible light by bromine as

a function of time, using a uv-visible (UV-Vis) spectrophotometer.

As bromine is consumed by the reaction the absorption of light by

the solution decreases with time. This change in absorption is

directly related the change in the concentration of the aqueous

bromine. Conveniently, the other species involved in the reaction

do not absorb light in the wavelength range that we will use.

CHEM2201/6201 Analysis and Measurement


Concepts and Skills: • Chemical Kinetics

• Rate Laws

• Steady State


• Isolation Method

• UV-Vis Absorption


• Beer-Lambert Law

Review Text. • Kinetics: Lecture Notes

• Spectrophotometry:

Harris p436-443

CHEM2201/6201 Determining Rate Laws: The Kinetics of the Bromination of Acetone

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LEARNING OUTCOMES The learning outcomes of this experiment are: • Application of the theory of kinetics, through a practical demonstration; • Exploration of the concepts of order of reaction and how reaction mechanism may

be illuminated by kinetics measurements; • Attainment of an appreciation of the method of graphical interpretation of kinetic

data as an aid in the determination of the order of reaction, employing integrated rate laws;

• Familiarity with some of the practical aspects of kinetics measurements; • An introduction to the technique of UV-Vis absorbance for quantitative

measurements; • Development of general laboratory and research as described in the notes for

Experiment 1.

INTRODUCTION In acidic solution, the bromination of acetone occurs according to the overall reaction: CH COCH + Br → CH COCH Br + HBr

The reaction is really a multistep process which can be presented as the reversible

acid-catalysed keto-enol tautomerisation of acetone (Step 1):

CH C O CH + H ?⇌? CH C OH = CH + H Acet Enol (S1)

followed by the irreversible addition of bromine to the carbon-carbon double bond

(Step 2): CH C OH = CH + Br → CH C O CH Br + HBr Enol Prod (S2)

CHEM2201/6201 Determining Rate Laws: The Kinetics of the Bromination of Acetone

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This mechanism may be summarised as:

CH C O CH + H ⎯⎯⎯ CH C OH = CH + H (a) CH C OH = CH + H ⎯⎯⎯⎯ CH C O CH + H (b) CH C OH = CH + Br ⎯⎯⎯ CH C O CH Br + HBr (c)

Note here that Step 1, which is a two-way reaction, has been split into the forward (a)

and reverse reactions (b). Strictly Step 1 as not an equilibrium system, even though it

is drawn as though it is, because the right-hand side (product) of Step 1, CH C OH =CH , is used up in Step 2. However, under the right conditions we can consider Step 1 to be an equilibrium. This may be useful in determining an overall rate law.

The rate equation for [Br2] may be obtained by writing down the rate equations for

each species:

? Acet?? = −? Acet H + ? Enol H (1) ? Enol?? = ? Acet H − ? Enol H − ? Enol Br (2) ? Br?? = −? Enol Br (3)

We can use the steady state assumption by declaring that [Enol] is low and constant.

Under these assumptions we make = 0, thus from (2): Enol = ? Acet H? H + ? Br (4)

Substituting (4) into (3) we obtain:

? Br?? = −? ? Acet H Br? H + ? Br (5)

The observed rate law will depend on the relative sizes of “? H ” and “? Br “.

Prelab Exercise: Show how Equation

(4) is obtained from

Equation (2).

CHEM2201/6201 Determining Rate Laws: The Kinetics of the Bromination of Acetone

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If ? H ≫ ? Br , then ? H + ? Br ≈ ? H and we can write:

? Br?? = −? ? Acet H Br? H

? Br?? = −? ? Acet Br? = −? ?? Acet Br = −? Acet Br (6) and the reaction appears to be 1st order with respect to acetone and bromine, and 0th

order (independent) with respect to H+.

If, on the other hand, the reverse is true, i.e. ? Br ≫ ? [H ], then ? [H ] +? [Br ] ≈ ? [Br ] and:

?[Br ]?? = −? ? [Acet][H ][Br ]? [Br ] = −? [Acet][H ] = −?[Acet][H ] (7) and the reaction appears to be 1st order with respect to acetone and H+, and 0th order

(independent) with respect to bromine.

In this experiment you will determine the order of the reaction with respect to the three

species CH C O CH (??), H (??) and Br (??), and hence determine which of the cases, (6) or (7), applies. Note that, according to both (6) and (7), the rate law does not

follow the reaction stoichiometry.

In a real research situation, the mechanism might initially be unknown; in this case

mechanisms must be postulated, which can be tested against the observed rate laws.

The reaction is followed by measuring the absorbance of Br in a UV-Vis spectrometer. An aqueous bromine solution appears to the human eye to be coloured

orange. This tells us that it has an absorption band in the violet part of the spectrum

(the complementary wavelength range of orange), so by monitoring the absorbance in

this region during the reaction, the bromine concentration can be calculated directly as

a function of time, if the absorption coefficient is known. The visible absorption

spectrum of aqueous Br2 is given in Figure 1. Using the Beer-Lambert Law (Beer’s Law) and given ε = 175 L mol−1 cm-1 at λ = 390 nm, you can calculate the concentration

of Br2(aq).

Prelab Exercise: Calculate the expected absorbance of a Br2 if the solution concentration is 0.00110 mol L-1. Assume you are using the standard 1.000 cm cuvette.

CHEM2201/6201 Determining Rate Laws: The Kinetics of the Bromination of Acetone

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Figure 1: Visible Absorption Spectrum of Br2(aq) The rate law of this reaction has the general form:

? = −?[Br ]?? = ?[Br ] [Acet] [H ] You will be using the isolation method. The concentrations of acetone and protons are

very much larger than that of Br2. This means that for a particular run we will make

the simplification that the concentrations of acetone and protons are constant. This

means that we can write:

? = −?[Br ]?? = ?[Br ] [Acet] [H ] = ?[Acet] [H ] [Br ] = ? [Br ] ? = −?[Br ]?? = ? [Br ] The orders m and n for acetone and protons respectively are determined by

systematically varying the concentrations of acetone (Acet) and protons (H+)

respectively and noting the effect on the measured rate. For j, the order with respect to [Br ], the order of reaction can also be found from the [Br ] vs time data: for zeroth, first and second order the rate laws are given in Table 1.

Table 1: Possible rate laws for the reaction of Br2 in this experiment.

Order Rate Law Integrated Rate Law

Zeroth ?[Br ]?? = −? [Br ] = [Br ] − ? t First ?[Br ]?? = −? [Br ] ln[Br ] = ln[Br ] = ? t Second ?[Br ]?? = −? [Br ] 1[Br ] = 1[Br ] + ? t








300 350 400 450 500 550 600

Ab so

rb an


λ / nm

Prelab Exercise: Sketch the graph you

would expect to see if

you plotted [Br2]

against time for each

of the three reaction


CHEM2201/6201 Determining Rate Laws: The Kinetics of the Bromination of Acetone

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Thus Br , ln[Br ] or [ ] will vary linearly with time if the reaction is zeroth, first or second order in [Br ] respectively. You will make plots of each of these equations and determine which one gives the most linear plot.

The rate coefficient, k, can be determined from the measured rate coefficient, kobs,

given the concentrations of acetone and protons and the orders with regard to these


? = ?[Acet] [H ]

CHEM2201/6201 Determining Rate Laws: The Kinetics of the Bromination of Acetone

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Work in pairs to complete this experiment.

Keep all bromine solutions in the fume cupboard or in stoppered flasks at all times.

You will make up four solutions, each of 100.0 mL, of varying concentrations and

measure the rate of disappearance of Br2 by following the absorbance as a function of

time in the spectrophotometer.

Start by placing approximately 200 mL of the Br2 solution in a stoppered conical flask in the 20 °C bath.

Then put the acetone, nitric acid and major water components into clean 100-mL

volumetric flasks with the volumes given in first three rows of Table 2. The acetone and nitric acid volumes need to be quantitative (accurate). The water volume needs

only be approximate (but not excessive) at this point. Why?

* You must record the actual concentration of the nitric acid.

Table 2: Preparation of Solutions

Component 1 2 3 4

Fi rs

t S te

p Acetone (AR) / mL 10 5 10 10

~1 mol L-1 HNO3 / mL 25 25 10 25

H2O / mL 40 45 55 50

Allow to equilibrate

Se co


St ep

~0.02 mol L-1 Br2 / mL 20 20 20 10

H2O / mL To 100.0 mL mark

These solutions are also placed into the water bath.

While the solutions are equilibrating (coming to temperature), prepare the

spectrometer according to the instruction sheet residing with the instrument. Set it to

“CHEM2201-kinetics” mode. Set the wavelength to the λ = 390 nm. Set the collection

time to 600 seconds and the absorbance range to 0.00 – 1.00. Instructions will be

provided in the laboratory.

Prelab Exercise: What are the t = 0 concentrations of

acetone, H+ and Br2(aq) in

Solution 4, assuming the

stock concentrations are pure

acetone, 1.000 mol L-1

HNO3 and 0.0200 mol L-1

Br2 respectively? You will

need some information that

is given in the “REPORT”


CHEM2201/6201 Determining Rate Laws: The Kinetics of the Bromination of Acetone

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Tip: It will help to do a practice run of the following procedure to ensure all operating parameters are

properly set and that you know what you are doing. Once you add the Br to the main solution, the reaction will not wait for you to fiddle with the spectrometer conditions!

When the solutions are at 20 °C, in the shortest time possible, for each solution in turn:

a. Pipette the required amount of Br solution into the appropriate volumetric flask, make up to the mark with distilled water. Mix thoroughly.

b. Important: start the spectrometer collection at the point that the Br2 solution is added to the volumetric flask. You will need to coordinate with your partner – one

does the pipetting while the other starts the spectrometer.

c. While the data collected before the cuvette is put into the spectrometer will not be useful, by doing this you will have recorded an appropriate zero time, t = 0.

d. Rinse and fill the sample cuvette, dry the outside. Put the cap on the cuvette and

insert it into the spectrometer.

e. Collect the absorbance as a function of time for the sample.

Repeat a. – e. for the next sample until all four are completed.

REPORT – Results, Questions and Conclusions

For your report, complete the following calculations and answer the questions. Your

report should conform to the expected structure for CHEM2201/6201 report. In

addition to the report, you should upload to iLearn the spreadsheets that you construct for your data analysis.

1. Reaction Orders, Rate Equations and Rate Coefficient

(i) From each kinetic run, using the provided extinction coefficient, ε, convert the

measured absorbance to concentration of Br2(aq). This can be left in your

uploaded spreadsheet. It does not need to be included in your report.

(ii) Using the spreadsheet provided on iLearn (CHEM2201_Kin.xls), put in your

concentration and time data. The spreadsheet will plot for you [Br2] against

time, ln([Br2]) against time and [ ] against time. Note, you will need to make decisions on what data points from those you have collected are appropriate to

use. You will need to discard some. The spreadsheet will provide you with the

slope and intercept, with standard error, of these functions. Calculate the relative

standard error (% SE) of the slope, and use this to decide which plot gives the

ε = 175 L mol−1 cm-1

CHEM2201/6201 Determining Rate Laws: The Kinetics of the Bromination of Acetone

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straightest line, and therefore determine the order with respect to [Br2]. Why

must we use the relative standard error and not the absolute standard error?

(iii) Having decided on the order of the reaction with respect to Br2 use the

appropriate plot to determine the rate of loss of Br , [ ], in mol L-1 s-l for each of the solutions. Tabulate these values. In the same table tabulate the initial

concentrations of H , acetone and Br and the observed rate (from (i)) for each of the runs. You may take the density of acetone to be 0.789 g mL-1. [H+]0 and

[Acet]0 can be calculated from the concentrations of the provided reagents,

taking into account to appropriate dilution factors. [Br2] can be obtained from

your plots. How?

(iv) By inspection of your results, determine the order of the reaction with respect to

acetone and H . You can do this by taking the ratio of the two rates of reaction and concentrations where only the concentration of the species of interest varies.

(v) Now that you know the orders with respect to each species, write down the rate

equation for the reaction.

(vi) Determine and tabulate the rate coefficient, kobs, for each run. From kobs, calculate

k for each run. Include these in the table.

(vii) Calculate the mean rate coefficient, k, and the standard deviation of the mean

based on your four measurements.

2. For your discussion

(i) From your results, does either Equation (6) or Equation (7) describe your result?

If so, which one?

(ii) From your results, which step (a), (b) or (c) would be a rate determining step of

the mechanism? Justify.

(iii) In this experiment, the concentration of [Br ] has been chosen to be much less than those of acetone and H+. Why?

(iv) Compare your results with (at least) those from Birk and Walters, J. Chem. Educ.

1992, 69(7), 585. This is your comparison to literature.

3. Conclusion

Write a one paragraph conclusion which describes the important outcomes of your


CHEM2201/6201 Determining Rate Laws: The Kinetics of the Bromination of Acetone

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Assessment Rubric for Determining Rate Laws: The Kinetics of the Bromination of Acetone

Section Assessment Weighting

Pre-lab Pre-lab questions 5

Lab notebook Record the experimental results and write down the observations. Signed off at the end of the lab session.


Lab Report

Title: Clearly and concisely inform the reader of the practical

report topic 5

Introduction: general introduction with the aim(s) of

experiment. 10

Material and Methods: Describe what was done in the

experiment. Includes materials used and procedures



Results and Discussion (including Questions): Present,

interpret and explain the findings of the experiment. The

quality of your data will be taken into account.


Conclusion: Summarises findings and interpretations. One

paragraph. 5

References: Presents the sources of information used in the

report. 5


CHEM2201/6201 Determining Rate Laws: The Kinetics of the Bromination of Acetone

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Prelaboratory Questions: Kinetics – The Bromination of Acetone

To be checked before the lab session and submitted with your report

Name: Date:

1. Show how Equation (4) is obtained from Equation (2).

2. Calculate the expected absorbance for a 0.00110 mol L-1 Br2(aq) solution

CHEM2201/6201 Determining Rate Laws: The Kinetics of the Bromination of Acetone

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3. Sketch the plots you would expect to see for [Br2] v time if the order with respect to [Br2] is 0th, is 1st and is 2nd.

4. Calculate the nominal concentrations of acetone, H+ and Br2 at t = 0 for Solution 4.

CHEM2201/6201 Laboratory Report Writing

Full Laboratory Report Writing A laboratory report is a form of scientific (or journal) paper, which is an essential part of the scientific process. The purpose is to report on what you did, what you learned from an experiment and why the findings matter, which is to document your findings and communicate their significance. For any laboratory report, you will need to record the procedure and everything observed during the lab activity. Any laboratory report should allow the person reading it to be able to reproduce the exact procedure (and result, hopefully) carried out in the lab. This workshop gives you an overview of typical components.

A good lab report does more than present data; it demonstrates the writer’s comprehension of the concepts behind the data. Merely recording the expected and observed results is not sufficient; you should also identify how and why differences occurred, explain how they affected your experiment, and show your understanding of the principles that the experiment was designed to examine.

Learning how to write a good laboratory report is part of learning to be a scientist, and provides you with experience in writing in a scientific style similar to that used in articles published in scientific journals.

This note provides the details including the content, structure and language of each section that help you to understand the functions of each session and enhance your writing skills. Bear in mind that the format is helpful, however, it cannot replace clear thinking and organised writing. You still need to organise your ideas carefully and express them coherently.

Learning Outcomes

• Understand the overall structure and purpose of the laboratory report • Know what kind of information belongs in the different parts of the report • Be able to structure the information within each section of the report in a logical way

CHEM2201/6201 Analysis and Measurement


Concepts and Skills: • The overall structure of

Laboratory Report

• Functions of each session

• Content of each session

Reference • The information presented

in this workshop notes was

adopted from Drury, H. How to write a Laboratory

Report, 1997, ISBN 0958628505

CHEM2201/6201 Laboratory Report Writing


Part 1 – The structure of the laboratory report

A laboratory report has a clear structure as outlined in Table 1, which is very helpful when you come to write your report. The stages in the report and their sequence have developed in this way to accurately re-tell or recount a scientific activity and to interpret the results of this activity. In this way, scientific knowledge is developed out of scientific experimentation.

Table 1. The typical structure of a laboratory report Section Function

Title Clearly and concisely informs the reader of the practical report topic: a good title is short and to the point. It tells the reader the purpose of your experiment or what your found

Author The persons who did the work, analysed the data and reported the results (contribute to the work intellectually).

Abstract Summarizes of the report in four aspects: purpose of the experiment; key findings; significance and major conclusions.


Provides background information needed for the reader to understand the context and purpose of the experiment. At the end of the introduction, the aim is clearly stated.


Describes what was done in the experiment. Includes materials used and procedures followed.

Results Presents the findings of the experiment.


Interprets and explains the findings, and places them in the context of background information.


Summarises findings and interpretations.

References Presents the sources of information used in the report.

Appendix/Appendices Provides detailed information (when necessary).

Part 2 – The Introduction In general, the Introduction session should provide enough background information so that the reader will know the context and purpose of your experiment. Typically, the introduction presents four main points, structured in the following way: Stage 1: State the subject of the report and why it is important;

CHEM2201/6201 Laboratory Report Writing

Stage 2: Summarise what researchers already know about the subject; Stage 3: State how your experiment compares with previous experiments; State 4: State the aim/and or hypothesis of your experiment;

Stage 1,2 and 3 of the introduction provide the reader with background information about the experiment. You will have to read your lecture and laboratory notes and your text books and in some cases, other sources such as Journal articles to find this information. You do not need to write everything that is known about the topic. Two paragraph is usually sufficient. Also be careful not to directly copy your laboratory notes and textbooks. It is also a good idea to avoid quotations. You should reframe the information in your own words. However, you must cite the source of that information.

Note: When you write your own introduction, you will probably have to draft and re-draft in a number of times. You may even leave the final draft until you have written up the rest of your report and you have a clearer understanding of how your results and your interpretation of your results relate to your aim and your introduction as a whole.

To write a good introduction, there are 3 areas of language which you need to pay attention to:

• Keeping the focus on the most relevant information • The language of certainty • The choice of present or past tense

Part 3 – The Methods

Writing the methods stage is probably the most straightforward part of the laboratory report, however, it is different from the protocol provided by the lab notes. The information you give in Methods session should typically answer the following questions: i) what materials did you use and ii) what methods did you use?

The methods should give enough detail so that someone else can duplicate your experiment. However, they should not be as detailed as the instructions in your laboratory notes. Remember not to comment on your observations or measurements in the methods stage. You should do this in the results stage.

The structure of the methods is determined by the sequence or order of what you used and what you did in the laboratory, step by step. It is usual to integrate your description of the materials with your recount of the methods. However, in some experiments, you may need to describe your materials separately.

Although the instructions or flow chart can help you to write up the methods stage, they are usually too detailed for what you will eventually write in your methods section. So don’t just copy the list of instructions in your laboratory notes and simply change the language structures. You will have to decide what the key information is for carrying out the methods and use this in writing up your methods stage.

Part 4 – The Results

Your results section provides information to answer the following question:

CHEM2201/6201 Laboratory Report Writing

What did you find (your precise measurements) and/or what did you observe? If your experiment generated a set of results, it is common practice to display your results in detail in the form of a table or graph (using the spreadsheet skills learned from Workshop 1 for data analysis). However, you have to use language to introduce your table or graph and give it a title. You are also expected to write a short summary of your results, which identifies the most important results in terms of the aims of your experiment (this summary is usually only a few sentences long because the detailed results are given in the tables or graphs). Your results section usually has three main stages: Stage 1: introduce the results section and tables and/or graphs Stage 2: present table (s) and/or graph(s) Stage 3: summaries the results You may have a series of results to report and in this case, the structure of the results section will be repeated, and you will need to consider the relationships between different sets of results when you are deciding on the sequence in which you will present your results. When writing about the results, introduce them in a general way at the beginning of the results section. Don’t forget to refer to your tables and figures while you are summarising the results. The following questions will help you to summaries the results:

a. What are the trends or functional relationships that can be seen in your results (table, figure graphs etc,);

b. If you draw a graph, what did the curve show about the relationship between your variables;

c. What did the replicates show?

Part 5 – The Discussion

The discussion section is probably the most difficult and challenging to write because you have to think carefully about the specific results you obtained in your experiment and interpret them and generalise from them. In this way you relate your own results to the store of scientific knowledge. Meanwhile, the discussion is also the most important part of your report, because here, you show that you understand the experiment beyond the simple level of completing it. You need to explain, analyse and interpret. Some people like to think of this as the “subjective” part of the report. By that, they mean this is what is not readily observable. This part of the lab focuses on a question of understanding “What is the significance or meaning of the results?”

The information you put in the discussion should answer the following questions: (1) Have you fulfilled the aims of your experiment? (2) Why did you get the results you got? You may have to explain inconsistent or unexpected results. (3) What problems did you encounter in carrying out the experiment and how could you overcome these in future investigations? (4) What is significant or important about your results? (5) What further areas of investigation, if any, can you suggest. In your discussion, you will also have to compare your results with previous research. Think carefully about how you will sequence the information so that you develop a logical discussion.

CHEM2201/6201 Laboratory Report Writing

Remember that not all of the questions or the stages will be relevant to every experiment. Write a number of draft discussions until you are satisfied with your writing

Part 6-The Conclusion

The conclusion is a summary of what you did and gives you a chance to explain anything that might have gone wrong or could be improved, as well as propose future experiments. The conclusion should be short and to the point. Simply state what you know now for sure, as a result of the lab. The following questions will help you to write the conclusion:

a. What did you do? – reiterate your procedures briefly (including any changes you made); b. What did you find? – restate any results that you may have calculated (with errors if

applicable). You don’t need to include the raw data, but if you calculated an average over several trials, state the average (not each trial);

c. If your experiment didn’t work, what procedure should be changed or what additional experiment should be done?)

d. What is the real world implication of your experimental work?

Part 7 – References and Appendices

This is the last section of the report. It is standard academic practice to provide details of all the literature that you cited in your report at the end of the report. For each reference give the author’s name, the full title of the book or article, the year of publication, and the publication details. Since there are a number of different conventions associated with giving references, always make sure that you follow the guidelines for referencing given by your individual lecturers or by the Journal, and be aware that these will vary.

Common referencing conventions are the American Chemical Society style (see, the Vancouver Style and the Harvard Style. The library provides some information on referencing (see and software for doing this in documents. The library supports Endnote and Mendeley (see

Appendices: You won’t always have to have an Appendix in your report, but if you have some detailed information such as raw data, spectra, etc that you want to include, you can include this at the very end of the report (following the references). Appendices should be numbered (e.g. Appendix 1) and have a clear heading. When you want to refer to information in an Appendix, you need to indicate where this can be found. For example, “Detailed figures can be found in Appendix 1”.

Part 8 – Title, author and Abstract

Although the title and abstract are the first two sections of the report, they are usually the last section that is written. This is because they are the summary or an overview of the whole report and it is easier to write after you have finished the whole report.
CHEM2201/6201 Laboratory Report Writing

Title: Title should be short, straightforward and informative. Typically, a title is made up of a short and complex noun group, which names or identifies a person, place or thing. It tells the reader the purpose of your experiment or what you found. This will normally be the same as the title given in the prac notes.

Abstract: The function of abstract is to summarize four essential aspects of the reports (Table 1): a) the purpose of the experiment; b) key findings; c) significance and d) major conclusions. The abstract often also includes a brief reference to theory or methodology. The information should clearly enable readers to decide whether they need to read your whole report.

Typically, the information in the abstract answers the following questions and is ordered in the following sequence:

a. What is the experiment about and why was it done? (introduction) b. How was the experiment done? (methods) c. What were the main results? (results) d. What were the main conclusions? (discussion and conclusion)

As you can see, the sequence of the questions follows the same order as the structure of the report as a whole.

Useful Further Reading: 1. Rhoden, C. and Starkey, R, “Studying Science at University: Everything you need to

know”, 1998, St Leonards, NSW: Allen &Unwin. 2. Drury, Helen, “How to write a Laboratory Report”, 1997, ISBN 0958628505 3. Deiner, L. J.; Newsome, D and Samaroo, D. Directed self-inquiry: A scaffold for

teaching laboratory report writing; J. Chem. Educ. 2012, 89, 1511-1514. 4. Royce, M, Skilful writing of an awful research paper, Anal. Chem. 2011, 83, 633 5. 6. 7.
CHEM2201/6201 Laboratory Report Writing

Example for grading rubric of laboratory report

Performance Criteria

1 Beginning

2 Developing

3 Accomplished

4 Exemplary

Structure Does not contain all sections required

Contains all sections (except possibly Reference section) but the content within each section

is not appropriate

Contains all sections, content generally correct with only

occasional lapses, minor edits are required

All sections present and clearly labeled and all information within

each section is appropriate


Unclear expression and/or casual style and/or improper use of

scientific terms, pervasive grammatical errors, possibly


Mostly clear expression but casual language. Lacks proper

use of scientific terms. Grammatical errors frequent.

Clear, mostly professional tone. Largely correct use of scientific terms. Minor issues in tone or

tense, some small grammar errors, possible tendency to

write too much or be redundant

Concise, clear, professional tone (impersonal or passive voice when required). Correct use of proper scientific terms. No grammatical


Abstract Inappropriate content, lack of understanding of the experiment.

Generally appropriate content, but lack of specificity or

completeness and/or serious lack of scientific language

Complete description of what was done and found, but

contains too much information and/or not written in passive

voice and/or improper scientific language.

Concise description of the what was done and found; written in a passive voice or other impersonal



Experimental goal not expressed or incorrectly expressed, little or no

description of theory and no connection between theory and experiment or serious confusion

about theory

Experimental goal clearly and correctly expressed with an attempt at describing the theory, but incomplete or

unclear description

Experimental goal clearly expressed, theory well

described but missing clear connection between theory and

actual experiment

Experimental goal clearly expressed, theory well described

and illustrated with proper equations, relationship between theory and experiment is made



No reference to previously published procedure, inadequate

information provided for someone to reproduce experiment

Reference provided to previously published

procedure, but inadequate information provided to allow

someone to reproduce experiment. Or, no reference

provided but adequate information.

Reference provided to previously published procedure,

but too much information is provided (i.e. one could

reproduce the experiment, but one would first have to read

and winnow)

Reference provided to previously published procedure, adequate information provided to allow

someone to reproduce experiment


Graphs: functional relationships are not clear or are non-sensical. Axes

may be missing proper labels. Tables: Column headings are

incompletely labeled and table is not readily comprehensible. Figure

captions are missing

Graphs: functional relationships are clear but axes may be

missing proper labels. Tables: Column headings are

incompletely labeled, but the table is still readable. Figure

captions may be missing

Graphs: axes labeled (units included), functional

relationships are clear. Tables: Column headings are labeled (units included), table is easily readable. Figure captions may

be missing

Graphs: axes labeled (units included), functional relationships

are clear, figure captions are provided and clear. Tables: Column

headings are labeled (units included), table is easily readable, figure captions are provided and



No data interpretation is presented or data interpretation is thoroughly incorrect; no connection between

data and theory or literature is presented; error is not discussed

Data interpretation is attempted but with little depth and possibly with some errors

in understanding; no connection between data and

theory or literature is presented; error is discussed but plausible causes are not


Data interpreted with some depth and with strong

understanding of chemical principles; data may be compared to theory or

literature but some information or meaningful comparisons are missing; error is discussed, but the list of plausible causes may

not be complete

Important data interpreted in some depth and with strong

understanding of chemical principles; data is discussed in the

context of known theories or compared to literature values;

when necessary, error is discussed and a reasonably complete and

plausible list of causes is presented


Statement of important result is unclear or shows little

understanding of what the important data was; Even when

appropriate and necessary, comments on experimental improvements or real world

connections are not included.

Statement of important result is clear but may be incomplete;

Even when appropriate and necessary, comments on

experimental improvements or real world connections are not


Statement of important result is clear and complete but may

include too much information. Where appropriate, comments on experimental improvements

or real world connections are included.

Statement of important result is clear, complete, and concise.

Where appropriate, comments on experimental improvements or real

world connections are included.

References No citations, no references list

Some citations present, but some missing. Separate

references list is either missing or shows little or no awareness

of standard format for chemistry citations.

Citations always or almost always present when

appropriate. Separate references list is present, but

may have some deviations from standard chemistry format

Citations always when appropriate. Separate references list is present

and follows standard chemistry conventions

CHEM2201/6201: Kinetics of the Bromination of Acetone
Time / s [Br2] / mol L-1 Absorbance Cuvette length (cm) Epsilon (Lmol-1cm-1)
30.00 .00077 0.134 1 175
60.00 .00046 0.081 1 175
90.00 .00014 0.024 1 175
120.00 .00004 0.007 1 175
150.00 .00006 0.01 1 175
180.00 .00005 0.009 1 175
210.00 .00006 0.011 1 175
240.00 .00006 0.01 1 175
330.00 .00007 0.012 1 175
360.00 .00006 0.011 1 175
390.00 .00006 0.01 1 175
420.00 .00007 0.013 1 175
450.00 .00007 0.013 1 175
480.00 .00007 0.013 1 175
510.00 .00007 0.013 1 175

&8Worksheet by Michael Batley &”Symbol,Regular”&8Ó&”Arial,Regular” School of Chemistry Macquarie University

CHEM2201/6201: Kinetics of the Bromination of Acetone
[Br2] / mol L-1 Time / s [Br2] / mol L-1 ln([Br2] / mol L-1) 1/[Br2] / mol L-1 dxy dx2 syx error Y W1 W2 x lny dxy dx2 syx error Y W3 W4 x 1/y dxy dx2 syx error Y
.001 30 7.66E-04 -7.17E+00 1.31E+03 -1.49E-01 5.66E+04 2.13E-07 350E-6 3.04E-04 5.86E-07 1.01E+01 3.04E+02 -7.27E+01 -8.17E+01 7.35E+03 1.50E-01 214.7E-3 -7.30E+00 3.44E-13 1.32E+01 3.96E+02 1.73E+04 5.66E+03 1.89E+02 7.10E+02 111.1E+0 1.30E+03
.0 60 4.63E-04 -7.68E+00 2.16E+03 -6.69E-02 4.33E+04 3.23E-08 350E-6 2.83E-04 2.14E-07 3.70E+00 2.22E+02 -2.84E+01 -2.32E+00 3.49E+01 1.25E-01 355.1E-3 -7.49E+00 4.59E-14 1.76E+00 1.06E+02 3.81E+03 3.43E+04 1.21E+03 1.67E+04 304.2E+0 2.26E+03
.0 90 1.37E-04 -8.89E+00 7.29E+03 7.46E-04 3.17E+04 1.58E-08 350E-6 2.63E-04 1.88E-08 3.25E-01 2.92E+01 -2.89E+00 -1.53E+01 3.55E+02 4.69E-01 1.198E+0 -7.69E+00 3.54E-16 1.36E-02 1.22E+00 9.91E+01 4.49E+03 4.30E+01 2.26E+05 3.465E+3 3.22E+03
.0 120 4.00E-05 -1.01E+01 2.50E+04 1.50E-02 2.19E+04 4.09E-08 350E-6 2.42E-04 1.60E-09 2.76E-02 3.32E+00 -2.80E-01 -4.62E+00 1.10E+02 1.38E-01 4.109E+0 -7.89E+00 2.56E-18 9.84E-05 1.18E-02 2.46E+00 2.00E+02 7.32E-01 4.27E+04 40.73E+3 4.18E+03
.0 150 5.71E-05 -9.77E+00 1.75E+04 9.93E-03 1.39E+04 2.71E-08 350E-6 2.22E-04 3.27E-09 5.64E-02 8.46E+00 -5.51E-01 -1.21E+01 4.89E+02 1.59E-01 2.876E+0 -8.09E+00 1.07E-17 4.10E-04 6.15E-02 7.17E+00 7.66E+02 5.54E+00 6.27E+04 19.96E+3 5.14E+03
.0 180 5.14E-05 -9.88E+00 1.94E+04 7.91E-03 7.74E+03 2.25E-08 350E-6 2.01E-04 2.64E-09 4.57E-02 8.23E+00 -4.51E-01 -1.35E+01 6.92E+02 1.15E-01 3.196E+0 -8.29E+00 7.00E-18 2.69E-04 4.84E-02 5.23E+00 7.09E+02 5.75E+00 4.79E+04 24.64E+3 6.09E+03
.0 210 6.29E-05 -9.67E+00 1.59E+04 4.55E-03 3.36E+03 1.39E-08 350E-6 1.81E-04 3.95E-09 6.83E-02 1.43E+01 -6.61E-01 -2.30E+01 1.60E+03 9.65E-02 2.615E+0 -8.49E+00 1.56E-17 6.00E-04 1.26E-01 9.55E+00 1.53E+03 1.86E+01 4.71E+04 16.49E+3 7.05E+03
.0 240 5.71E-05 -9.77E+00 1.75E+04 2.36E-03 7.84E+02 1.07E-08 350E-6 1.60E-04 3.27E-09 5.64E-02 1.35E+01 -5.51E-01 -2.37E+01 1.89E+03 6.65E-02 2.876E+0 -8.68E+00 1.07E-17 4.10E-04 9.84E-02 7.17E+00 1.36E+03 1.74E+01 3.69E+04 19.96E+3 8.01E+03
.0 330 6.86E-05 -9.59E+00 1.46E+04 -4.51E-03 3.84E+03 9.28E-10 350E-6 9.90E-05 4.70E-09 8.12E-02 2.68E+01 -7.79E-01 -4.69E+01 6.06E+03 7.73E-03 2.397E+0 -9.28E+00 2.21E-17 8.50E-04 2.80E-01 1.24E+01 3.31E+03 7.46E+01 1.16E+04 13.86E+3 1.09E+04
.0 360 6.29E-05 -9.67E+00 1.59E+04 -7.22E-03 8.46E+03 2.47E-10 350E-6 7.86E-05 3.95E-09 6.83E-02 2.46E+01 -6.61E-01 -4.55E+01 6.27E+03 2.65E-03 2.615E+0 -9.48E+00 1.56E-17 6.00E-04 2.16E-01 9.55E+00 2.84E+03 6.39E+01 9.89E+03 16.49E+3 1.18E+04
.0 390 5.71E-05 -9.77E+00 1.75E+04 -1.03E-02 1.49E+04 9.46E-13 350E-6 5.81E-05 3.27E-09 5.64E-02 2.20E+01 -5.51E-01 -4.31E+01 6.26E+03 5.01E-04 2.876E+0 -9.68E+00 1.07E-17 4.10E-04 1.60E-01 7.17E+00 2.35E+03 5.20E+01 9.02E+03 19.96E+3 1.28E+04
.0 420 7.43E-05 -9.51E+00 1.35E+04 -1.02E-02 2.31E+04 1.34E-09 350E-6 3.77E-05 5.52E-09 9.54E-02 4.00E+01 -9.07E-01 -7.04E+01 1.26E+04 1.28E-02 2.213E+0 -9.87E+00 3.05E-17 1.17E-03 4.92E-01 1.58E+01 5.44E+03 1.75E+02 1.09E+02 11.81E+3 1.38E+04
.0 450 7.43E-05 -9.51E+00 1.35E+04 -1.22E-02 3.31E+04 3.26E-09 350E-6 1.72E-05 5.52E-09 9.54E-02 4.29E+01 -9.07E-01 -7.62E+01 1.47E+04 3.04E-02 2.213E+0 -1.01E+01 3.05E-17 1.17E-03 5.27E-01 1.58E+01 5.87E+03 2.03E+02 1.87E+03 11.81E+3 1.47E+04
.0 480 7.43E-05 -9.51E+00 1.35E+04 -1.42E-02 4.49E+04 6.02E-09 350E-6 -3.27E-06 5.52E-09 9.54E-02 4.58E+01 -9.07E-01 -8.20E+01 1.71E+04 5.55E-02 2.213E+0 -1.03E+01 3.05E-17 1.17E-03 5.62E-01 1.58E+01 6.29E+03 2.33E+02 5.79E+03 11.81E+3 1.57E+04
.0 510 7.43E-05 -9.51E+00 1.35E+04 -1.62E-02 5.86E+04 9.61E-09 350E-6 -2.37E-05 5.52E-09 9.54E-02 4.86E+01 -9.07E-01 -8.78E+01 1.96E+04 8.81E-02 2.213E+0 -1.05E+01 3.05E-17 1.17E-03 5.97E-01 1.58E+01 6.71E+03 2.65E+02 1.19E+04 11.81E+3 1.66E+04
Average 268.00 1.41E-04 -2.50E-01 3.66E+05 3.98E-07 3.50E-04 8.68E-07 5.69E+01 -7.47E+00 -6.28E+02 9.51E+04 1.52E+00 6.83E-01 3.90E-13 1.50E+01 3.38E+01 1.42E+03 8.18E+04 2.56E+03 5.31E+05 4.04E+02
Count 15 -6.82E-07 5.78E-07 -6.61E-03 2.22E-03 3.20E+01 7.99E+00
3.24E-04 9.04E-05 -7.10E+00 2.17E-01 3.40E+02 2.89E+02



&8Worksheet by Michael Batley &T &D &”Symbol,Regular”&8Ó&”Arial,Regular” School of Chemistry Macquarie University

&8Worksheet by Michael Batley &T &D &”Symbol,Regular”&8Ó&”Arial,Regular” School of Chemistry Macquarie University

&8Worksheet by Michael Batley &”Symbol,Regular”&8Ó&”Arial,Regular” School of Chemistry Macquarie University

slope= -6.8E-07 ± 6E-07
intercept= 3.24E-04 ± 9E-05
Relative SE = 84.8%
slope= -6.61E-03 ± 2E-03
intercept= -7.10E+00 ± 2E-01
Relative SE = 33.5%
slope= 3.2E+01 ± 8E+00
intercept= 3.40E+02 ± 3E+02
Relative SE = 25.0%
Test for Zero Order

0 0 0 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 330 360 390 420 450 480 510 0 0 0 7.657142857142858E-4 4.6285714285714289E-4 1.3714285714285713E-4 4.0000000000000003E-5 5.7142857142857142E-5 5.1428571428571422E-5 6.2857142857142848E-5 5.7142857142857142E-5 6.8571428571428567E-5 6.2857142857142848E-5 5.7142857142857142E-5 7.4285714285714287E-5 7.4285714285714287E-5 7.4285714285714287E-5 7.4285714285714287E-5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 330 360 390 420 450 480 510 0 0 0 3.0367627785058977E-4 2.8321288148286833E-4 2.6274948511514695E-4 2.4228608874742556E-4 2.2182269237970415E-4 2.0135929601198274E-4 1.8089589964426136E-4 1.6043250327653995E-4 9.9042314173375742E-5 7.8578917805654331E-5 5.8115521437932948E-5 3.7652125070211564E-5 1.7188728702490126E-5 -3.2746676652312579E-6 -2.3738064032952642E-5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Time / s
[Br2] / mol L-1

Test for First Order

0 0 0 0.21465107539161229 0.35510177904291412 1.1984685042698355 4.109034871782292 2.8763244102476047 3.1959160113862279 2.6148403729523682 2.8763244102476047 2.3969370085396711 2.6148403729523682 2.8763244102476047 2.2125572386520038 2.2125572386520038 2.2125572386520038 2.2125572386520038 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.21465107539161229 0.35510177904291412 1.1984685042698355 4.109034871782292 2.8763244102476047 3.1959160113862279 2.6148403729523682 2.8763244102476047 2.3969370085396711 2.6148403729523682 2.8763244102476047 2.2125572386520038 2.2125572386520038 2.2125572386520038 2.2125572386520038 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 330 360 390 420 450 480 510 0 0 0 -7.1747014529547393 -7.6780920982332121 -8.894487422557706 -10.126631103850338 -9.7699561599116063 -9.8753166755694313 -9.6746459801072806 -9.7699561599116063 -9.5876346031176514 -9.6746459801072806 -9.7699561599116063 -9.507591895444115 -9.507591895444115 -9.507591895444115 -9.507591895444115 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 330 360 390 420 450 480 510 0 0 0 -7.2963083413132139 -7.4945935115061051 -7.6928786816989971 -7.8911638518918892 -8.0894490220847803 -8.2877341922776733 -8.4860193624705644 -8.6843045326634556 -9.2791600432421308 -9.4774452134350238 -9.6757303836279149 -9.8740155538208079 -10.072300724013699 -10.27058589420659 -10.468871064399483 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Time / s
ln([Br2] / mol L-1)

Test for Second Order

0 0 0 111.14519064557146 304.17970480595665 3464.7969500553509 40729.041698609821 19957.230432318822 24638.556089282498 16493.578869684978 19957.230432318822 13859.187800221403 16493.578869684978 19957.230432318822 11809.012090129478 11809.012090129478 11809.012090129478 11809.012090129478 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 111.14519064557146 304.17970480595665 3464.7969500553509 40729.041698609821 19957.230432318822 24638.556089282498 16493.578869684978 19957.230432318822 13859.187800221403 16493.578869684978 19957.230432318822 11809.012090129478 11809.012090129478 11809.012090129478 11809.012090129478 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 330 360 390 420 450 480 510 0 0 0 1305.9701492537313 2160.4938271604938 7291.666666666667 24999.999999999996 17500 19444.444444444445 15909.090909090912 17500 14583.333333333334 15909.090909090912 17500 13461.538461538461 13461.538461538461 13461.538461538461 13461.538461538461 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 330 360 390 420 450 480 510 0 0 0 1298.6374452202322 2257.7286866474383 3216.8199280746444 4175.911169501851 5135.0024109290571 6094.0936523562632 7053.1848937834693 8012.2761352106754 10889.549859492294 11848.6411009195 12807.732342346706 13766.823583773912 14725.914825201118 15685.006066628324 16644.09730805553 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Time / s
[Br2]-1 / L mol-1

Test for Zero Order

0 0 0 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 330 360 390 420 450 480 510 0 0 0 7.657142857142858E-4 4.6285714285714289E-4 1.3714285714285713E-4 4.0000000000000003E-5 5.7142857142857142E-5 5.1428571428571422E-5 6.2857142857142848E-5 5.7142857142857142E-5 6.8571428571428567E-5 6.2857142857142848E-5 5.7142857142857142E-5 7.4285714285714287E-5 7.4285714285714287E-5 7.4285714285714287E-5 7.4285714285714287E-5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 330 360 390 420 450 480 510 0 0 0 3.0367627785058977E-4 2.8321288148286833E-4 2.6274948511514695E-4 2.4228608874742556E-4 2.2182269237970415E-4 2.0135929601198274E-4 1.8089589964426136E-4 1.6043250327653995E-4 9.9042314173375742E-5 7.8578917805654331E-5 5.8115521437932948E-5 3.7652125070211564E-5 1.7188728702490126E-5 -3.2746676652312579E-6 -2.3738064032952642E-5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Time / s
[Br2] / mol L-1

Test for First Order

0 0 0 0.21465107539161229 0.35510177904291412 1.1984685042698355 4.109034871782292 2.8763244102476047 3.1959160113862279 2.6148403729523682 2.8763244102476047 2.3969370085396711 2.6148403729523682 2.8763244102476047 2.2125572386520038 2.2125572386520038 2.2125572386520038 2.2125572386520038 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.21465107539161229 0.35510177904291412 1.1984685042698355 4.109034871782292 2.8763244102476047 3.1959160113862279 2.6148403729523682 2.8763244102476047 2.3969370085396711 2.6148403729523682 2.8763244102476047 2.2125572386520038 2.2125572386520038 2.2125572386520038 2.2125572386520038 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 330 360 390 420 450 480 510 0 0 0 -7.1747014529547393 -7.6780920982332121 -8.894487422557706 -10.126631103850338 -9.7699561599116063 -9.8753166755694313 -9.6746459801072806 -9.7699561599116063 -9.5876346031176514 -9.6746459801072806 -9.7699561599116063 -9.507591895444115 -9.507591895444115 -9.507591895444115 -9.507591895444115 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 330 360 390 420 450 480 510 0 0 0 -7.2963083413132139 -7.4945935115061051 -7.6928786816989971 -7.8911638518918892 -8.0894490220847803 -8.2877341922776733 -8.4860193624705644 -8.6843045326634556 -9.2791600432421308 -9.4774452134350238 -9.6757303836279149 -9.8740155538208079 -10.072300724013699 -10.27058589420659 -10.468871064399483 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Time / s
ln([Br2] / mol L-1)

Test for Second Order

0 0 0 111.14519064557146 304.17970480595665 3464.7969500553509 40729.041698609821 19957.230432318822 24638.556089282498 16493.578869684978 19957.230432318822 13859.187800221403 16493.578869684978 19957.230432318822 11809.012090129478 11809.012090129478 11809.012090129478 11809.012090129478 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 111.14519064557146 304.17970480595665 3464.7969500553509 40729.041698609821 19957.230432318822 24638.556089282498 16493.578869684978 19957.230432318822 13859.187800221403 16493.578869684978 19957.230432318822 11809.012090129478 11809.012090129478 11809.012090129478 11809.012090129478 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 330 360 390 420 450 480 510 0 0 0 1305.9701492537313 2160.4938271604938 7291.666666666667 24999.999999999996 17500 19444.444444444445 15909.090909090912 17500 14583.333333333334 15909.090909090912 17500 13461.538461538461 13461.538461538461 13461.538461538461 13461.538461538461 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 330 360 390 420 450 480 510 0 0 0 1298.6374452202322 2257.7286866474383 3216.8199280746444 4175.911169501851 5135.0024109290571 6094.0936523562632 7053.1848937834693 8012.2761352106754 10889.549859492294 11848.6411009195 12807.732342346706 13766.823583773912 14725.914825201118 15685.006066628324 16644.09730805553 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Time / s
[Br2]-1 / L mol-1

Test for Zero Order

0 0 0 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 3.4996764342530437E-4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 330 360 390 420 450 480 510 0 0 0 7.657142857142858E-4 4.6285714285714289E-4 1.3714285714285713E-4 4.0000000000000003E-5 5.7142857142857142E-5 5.1428571428571422E-5 6.2857142857142848E-5 5.7142857142857142E-5 6.8571428571428567E-5 6.2857142857142848E-5 5.7142857142857142E-5 7.4285714285714287E-5 7.4285714285714287E-5 7.4285714285714287E-5 7.4285714285714287E-5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 330 360 390 420 450 480 510 0 0 0 3.0367627785058977E-4 2.8321288148286833E-4 2.6274948511514695E-4 2.4228608874742556E-4 2.2182269237970415E-4 2.0135929601198274E-4 1.8089589964426136E-4 1.6043250327653995E-4 9.9042314173375742E-5 7.8578917805654331E-5 5.8115521437932948E-5 3.7652125070211564E-5 1.7188728702490126E-5 -3.2746676652312579E-6 -2.3738064032952642E-5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Time / s
[Br2] / mol L-1

Test for First Order

0 0 0 0.21465107539161229 0.35510177904291412 1.1984685042698355 4.109034871782292 2.8763244102476047 3.1959160113862279 2.6148403729523682 2.8763244102476047 2.3969370085396711 2.6148403729523682 2.8763244102476047 2.2125572386520038 2.2125572386520038 2.2125572386520038 2.2125572386520038 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.21465107539161229 0.35510177904291412 1.1984685042698355 4.109034871782292 2.8763244102476047 3.1959160113862279 2.6148403729523682 2.8763244102476047 2.3969370085396711 2.6148403729523682 2.8763244102476047 2.2125572386520038 2.2125572386520038 2.2125572386520038 2.2125572386520038 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 330 360 390 420 450 480 510 0 0 0 -7.1747014529547393 -7.6780920982332121 -8.894487422557706 -10.126631103850338 -9.7699561599116063 -9.8753166755694313 -9.6746459801072806 -9.7699561599116063 -9.5876346031176514 -9.6746459801072806 -9.7699561599116063 -9.507591895444115 -9.507591895444115 -9.507591895444115 -9.507591895444115 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 330 360 390 420 450 480 510 0 0 0 -7.2963083413132139 -7.4945935115061051 -7.6928786816989971 -7.8911638518918892 -8.0894490220847803 -8.2877341922776733 -8.4860193624705644 -8.6843045326634556 -9.2791600432421308 -9.4774452134350238 -9.6757303836279149 -9.8740155538208079 -10.072300724013699 -10.27058589420659 -10.468871064399483 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Time / s
ln([Br2] / mol L-1)

Test for Second Order

0 0 0 111.14519064557146 304.17970480595665 3464.7969500553509 40729.041698609821 19957.230432318822 24638.556089282498 16493.578869684978 19957.230432318822 13859.187800221403 16493.578869684978 19957.230432318822 11809.012090129478 11809.012090129478 11809.012090129478 11809.012090129478 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 111.14519064557146 304.17970480595665 3464.7969500553509 40729.041698609821 19957.230432318822 24638.556089282498 16493.578869684978 19957.230432318822 13859.187800221403 16493.578869684978 19957.230432318822 11809.012090129478 11809.012090129478 11809.012090129478 11809.012090129478 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 330 360 390 420 450 480 510 0 0 0 1305.9701492537313 2160.4938271604938 7291.666666666667 24999.999999999996 17500 19444.444444444445 15909.090909090912 17500 14583.333333333334 15909.090909090912 17500 13461.538461538461 13461.538461538461 13461.538461538461 13461.538461538461 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 330 360 390 420 450 480 510 0 0 0 1298.6374452202322 2257.7286866474383 3216.8199280746444 4175.911169501851 5135.0024109290571 6094.0936523562632 7053.1848937834693 8012.2761352106754 10889.549859492294 11848.6411009195 12807.732342346706 13766.823583773912 14725.914825201118 15685.006066628324 16644.09730805553 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Time / s
[Br2]-1 / L mol-1

CHEM2201/6201: Kinetics of the Bromination of Acetone
Time / s [Br2] / mol L-1 Absorbance Cuvette length (cm) Epsilon (Lmol-1cm-1)
60.00 .00238 0.417 1 175
90.00 .00226 0.396 1 175
120.00 .00218 0.381 1 175
150.00 .00205 0.359 1 175
180.00 .0017 0.298 1 175
210.00 .00161 0.281 1 175
240.00 .00149 0.261 1 175
270.00 .00131 0.229 1 175
300.00 .00117 0.205 1 175
330.00 .00097 0.17 1 175
360.00 .00069 0.12 1 175
390.00 .00049 0.086 1 175
420.00 .00031 0.055 1 175
450.00 .00014 0.024 1 175

&8Worksheet by Michael Batley &”Symbol,Regular”&8Ó&”Arial,Regular” School of Chemistry Macquarie University

CHEM2201/6201: Kinetics of the Bromination of Acetone
[Br2] / mol L-1 Time / s [Br2] / mol L-1 ln([Br2] / mol L-1) 1/[Br2] / mol L-1 dxy dx2 syx error Y W1 W2 x lny dxy dx2 syx error Y W3 W4 x 1/y dxy dx2 syx error Y
.002 60 2.38E-03 -6.04E+00 4.20E+02 -2.03E-01 3.80E+04 1.14E-08 143.8E-6 2.49E-03 5.68E-06 2.46E+00 1.48E+02 -1.49E+01 -6.27E+01 2.35E+04 1.71E-02 137.7E-3 -5.96E+00 3.22E-11 3.62E+00 2.17E+02 1.52E+03 1.76E+04 1.50E+04 4.09E+03 59.7E+0 3.86E+02
.002 90 2.26E-03 -6.09E+00 4.42E+02 -1.52E-01 2.72E+04 2.48E-09 143.8E-6 2.31E-03 5.12E-06 2.22E+00 2.00E+02 -1.35E+01 -3.15E+01 1.02E+04 1.91E-03 145E-3 -6.06E+00 2.62E-11 2.95E+00 2.65E+02 1.30E+03 5.38E+03 3.48E+03 7.51E+01 66.21E+0 4.37E+02
.002 120 2.18E-03 -6.13E+00 4.59E+02 -1.13E-01 1.82E+04 1.71E-09 143.8E-6 2.14E-03 4.74E-06 2.05E+00 2.46E+02 -1.26E+01 -1.32E+01 2.93E+03 2.90E-03 150.7E-3 -6.17E+00 2.25E-11 2.52E+00 3.03E+02 1.16E+03 3.94E+02 4.82E+01 2.03E+03 71.52E+0 4.88E+02
.002 150 2.05E-03 -6.19E+00 4.87E+02 -7.47E-02 1.10E+04 8.57E-09 143.8E-6 1.96E-03 4.21E-06 1.82E+00 2.74E+02 -1.13E+01 -1.58E+00 1.11E+02 1.28E-02 159.9E-3 -6.27E+00 1.77E-11 1.99E+00 2.98E+02 9.70E+02 -3.88E+02 1.31E+03 5.18E+03 80.55E+0 5.38E+02
.002 180 1.70E-03 -6.38E+00 5.87E+02 -2.72E-02 5.63E+03 6.25E-09 143.8E-6 1.78E-03 2.90E-06 1.26E+00 2.26E+02 -8.01E+00 -2.10E+00 6.20E+02 1.09E-05 192.7E-3 -6.38E+00 8.41E-12 9.44E-01 1.70E+02 5.55E+02 4.84E+03 2.92E+03 3.97E+00 116.9E+0 5.89E+02
.002 210 1.61E-03 -6.43E+00 6.23E+02 -1.20E-02 2.03E+03 5.31E-13 143.8E-6 1.60E-03 2.58E-06 1.12E+00 2.35E+02 -7.19E+00 -7.81E+00 3.05E+03 2.77E-03 204.3E-3 -6.48E+00 6.65E-12 7.47E-01 1.57E+02 4.65E+02 8.17E+03 5.48E+03 2.24E+02 131.5E+0 6.40E+02
.001 240 1.49E-03 -6.51E+00 6.70E+02 -2.28E-03 2.25E+02 4.02E-09 143.8E-6 1.43E-03 2.22E-06 9.64E-01 2.31E+02 -6.27E+00 -1.65E+01 6.51E+03 6.40E-03 220E-3 -6.59E+00 4.95E-12 5.56E-01 1.33E+02 3.73E+02 1.13E+04 7.43E+03 2.32E+02 152.4E+0 6.91E+02
.001 270 1.31E-03 -6.64E+00 7.64E+02 -4.65E-04 2.25E+02 3.30E-09 143.8E-6 1.25E-03 1.71E-06 7.42E-01 2.00E+02 -4.93E+00 -2.82E+01 9.34E+03 2.34E-03 250.7E-3 -6.70E+00 2.93E-12 3.29E-01 8.89E+01 2.52E+02 1.29E+04 6.99E+03 1.66E+02 198E+0 7.42E+02
.001 300 1.17E-03 -6.75E+00 8.54E+02 -7.57E-03 2.03E+03 9.45E-09 143.8E-6 1.07E-03 1.37E-06 5.95E-01 1.78E+02 -4.01E+00 -3.80E+01 1.20E+04 1.55E-03 280.1E-3 -6.80E+00 1.88E-12 2.12E-01 6.35E+01 1.81E+02 1.33E+04 6.52E+03 7.90E+02 247E+0 7.93E+02
.001 330 9.71E-04 -6.94E+00 1.03E+03 -2.76E-02 5.63E+03 5.50E-09 143.8E-6 8.97E-04 9.44E-07 4.09E-01 1.35E+02 -2.84E+00 -4.48E+01 1.21E+04 3.84E-04 337.7E-3 -6.91E+00 8.91E-13 1.00E-01 3.30E+01 1.03E+02 1.10E+04 4.23E+03 3.46E+03 359.2E+0 8.43E+02
.001 360 6.86E-04 -7.29E+00 1.46E+03 -6.87E-02 1.10E+04 1.20E-09 143.8E-6 7.20E-04 4.70E-07 2.04E-01 7.34E+01 -1.48E+00 -4.06E+01 8.33E+03 1.52E-02 478.5E-3 -7.01E+00 2.21E-13 2.48E-02 8.94E+00 3.62E+01 5.64E+03 1.38E+03 7.90E+03 721E+0 8.94E+02
.0 390 4.91E-04 -7.62E+00 2.03E+03 -1.15E-01 1.82E+04 2.70E-09 143.8E-6 5.43E-04 2.42E-07 1.05E-01 4.08E+01 -7.97E-01 -3.20E+01 5.64E+03 2.63E-02 667.6E-3 -7.12E+00 5.83E-14 6.55E-03 2.55E+00 1.33E+01 2.68E+03 4.62E+02 7.78E+03 1.404E+3 9.45E+02
.0 420 3.14E-04 -8.07E+00 3.18E+03 -1.69E-01 2.72E+04 2.72E-09 143.8E-6 3.66E-04 9.88E-08 4.28E-02 1.80E+01 -3.45E-01 -1.98E+01 2.94E+03 3.04E-02 1.044E+0 -7.22E+00 9.76E-15 1.10E-03 4.60E-01 3.49E+00 8.70E+02 9.58E+01 5.24E+03 3.432E+3 9.96E+02
.0 450 1.37E-04 -8.89E+00 7.29E+03 -2.34E-01 3.80E+04 2.75E-09 143.8E-6 1.90E-04 1.88E-08 8.15E-03 3.67E+00 -7.25E-02 -6.18E+00 6.96E+02 2.00E-02 2.392E+0 -7.33E+00 3.54E-16 3.97E-05 1.79E-02 2.90E-01 8.79E+01 4.21E+00 1.55E+03 18.02E+3 1.05E+03
Average 255.00 1.34E-03 -1.21E+00 2.05E+05 6.21E-08 1.44E-04 3.23E-05 1.58E+02 -6.30E+00 -3.45E+02 9.81E+04 1.40E-01 2.16E-01 1.25E-10 1.40E+01 1.24E+02 4.95E+02 9.37E+04 5.53E+04 3.87E+04 1.14E+02
Count 14 -5.90E-06 3.18E-07 -3.52E-03 6.90E-04 1.69E+00 4.83E-01
2.84E-03 3.84E-05 -5.75E+00 1.23E-01 2.84E+02 6.73E+01



&8Worksheet by Michael Batley &T &D &”Symbol,Regular”&8Ó&”Arial,Regular” School of Chemistry Macquarie University

&8Worksheet by Michael Batley &T &D &”Symbol,Regular”&8Ó&”Arial,Regular” School of Chemistry Macquarie University

&8Worksheet by Michael Batley &”Symbol,Regular”&8Ó&”Arial,Regular” School of Chemistry Macquarie University

slope= -5.9E-06 ± 3E-07
intercept= 2.84E-03 ± 4E-05
Relative SE = 5.4%
slope= -3.52E-03 ± 7E-04
intercept= -5.75E+00 ± 1E-01
Relative SE = 19.6%
slope= 1.7E+00 ± 5E-01
intercept= 2.84E+02 ± 7E+01
Relative SE = 28.5%
Test for Zero Order

0 0 1.4382949047177812E-4 1.4382949047177812E-4 1.4382949047177812E-4 1.4382949047177812E-4 1.4382949047177812E-4 1.4382949047177812E-4 1.4382949047177812E-4 1.4382949047177812E-4 1.4382949047177812E-4 1.4382949047177812E-4 1.4382949047177812E-4 1.4382949047177812E-4 1.4382949047177812E-4 1.4382949047177812E-4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.4382949047177812E-4 1.4382949047177812E-4 1.4382949047177812E-4 1.4382949047177812E-4 1.4382949047177812E-4 1.4382949047177812E-4 1.4382949047177812E-4 1.4382949047177812E-4 1.4382949047177812E-4 1.4382949047177812E-4 1.4382949047177812E-4 1.4382949047177812E-4 1.4382949047177812E-4 1.4382949047177812E-4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 390 420 450 0 0 2.3828571428571427E-3 2.2628571428571428E-3 2.1771428571428571E-3 2.0514285714285712E-3 1.7028571428571427E-3 1.6057142857142858E-3 1.4914285714285715E-3 1.3085714285714287E-3 1.1714285714285713E-3 9.7142857142857154E-4 6.857142857142857E-4 4.9142857142857137E-4 3.1428571428571427E-4 1.3714285714285713E-4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 390 420 450 0 0 2.4896326530612243E-3 2.3127032967032966E-3 2.1357739403453685E-3 1.9588445839874408E-3 1.7819152276295131E-3 1.6049858712715854E-3 1.4280565149136575E-3 1.2511271585557298E-3 1.0741978021978022E-3 8.9726844583987424E-4 7.2033908948194655E-4 5.4340973312401886E-4 3.6648037676609117E-4 1.8955102040816305E-4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Time / s
[Br2] / mol L-1

Test for First Order

0 0 0.13768473195977868 0.1449861950182518 0.15069431293235619 0.15992906191428333 0.19266621888331448 0.20432218230330143 0.21997905451045099 0.25071848570841787 0.28007089379135469 0.33773254839545702 0.47845444356023092 0.66761085147939203 1.0439006041314127 2.3922722178011546 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.13768473195977868 0.1449861950182518 0.15069431293235619 0.15992906191428333 0.19266621888331448 0.20432218230330143 0.21997905451045099 0.25071848570841787 0.28007089379135469 0.33773254839545702 0.47845444356023092 0.66761085147939203 1.0439006041314127 2.3922722178011546 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 390 420 450 0 0 -6.0394550311068498 -6.0911270416511707 -6.1297418777789501 -6.1892188644173727 -6.3754477664002467 -6.434186583571905 -6.5080208455829576 -6.6388192493514113 -6.7495312737672428 -6.9367428158553892 -7.2850495101236055 -7.6181939566521431 -8.065208067673181 -8.894487422557706 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 390 420 450 0 0 -5.9562071945621486 -6.0617525908167718 -6.1672979870713958 -6.2728433833260189 -6.378388779580642 -6.4839341758352651 -6.5894795720898882 -6.6950249683445122 -6.8005703645991353 -6.9061157608537584 -7.0116611571083816 -7.1172065533630047 -7.2227519496176278 -7.3282973458722509 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Time / s
ln([Br2] / mol L-1)

Test for Second Order

0 0 59.704802863435354 66.205033064992804 71.520645801006538 80.554996198973569 116.909243560199 131.48273787211292 152.40540310799767 197.97502841516959 247.04362796240125 359.23904723598298 720.97281007777156 1403.7328914440118 3432.0689140892268 18024.320251944289 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 59.704802863435354 66.205033064992804 71.520645801006538 80.554996198973569 116.909243560199 131.48273787211292 152.40540310799767 197.97502841516959 247.04362796240125 359.23904723598298 720.97281007777156 1403.7328914440118 3432.0689140892268 18024.320251944289 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 390 420 450 0 0 419.66426858513194 441.91919191919192 459.31758530183725 487.46518105849589 587.24832214765104 622.77580071174373 670.49808429118775 764.19213973799117 853.65853658536594 1029.4117647058822 1458.3333333333333 2034.8837209302328 3181.818181818182 7291.666666666667 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 390 420 450 0 0 386.05856391629521 436.86867991099376 487.67879590569225 538.4889119003908 589.29902789508935 640.1091438897879 690.91925988448634 741.72937587918489 792.53949187388343 843.34960786858198 894.15972386328053 944.96983985797897 995.77995585267752 1046.5900718473761 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Time / s
[Br2]-1 / L mol-1

Test for Zero Order

0 0 1.4382949047177812E-4 1.4382949047177812E-4 1.4382949047177812E-4 1.4382949047177812E-4 1.4382949047177812E-4 1.4382949047177812E-4 1.4382949047177812E-4 1.4382949047177812E-4 1.4382949047177812E-4 1.4382949047177812E-4 1.4382949047177812E-4 1.4382949047177812E-4 1.4382949047177812E-4 1.4382949047177812E-4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.4382949047177812E-4 1.4382949047177812E-4 1.4382949047177812E-4 1.4382949047177812E-4 1.4382949047177812E-4 1.4382949047177812E-4 1.4382949047177812E-4 1.4382949047177812E-4 1.4382949047177812E-4 1.4382949047177812E-4 1.4382949047177812E-4 1.4382949047177812E-4 1.4382949047177812E-4 1.4382949047177812E-4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 390 420 450 0 0 2.3828571428571427E-3 2.2628571428571428E-3 2.1771428571428571E-3 2.0514285714285712E-3 1.7028571428571427E-3 1.6057142857142858E-3 1.4914285714285715E-3 1.3085714285714287E-3 1.1714285714285713E-3 9.7142857142857154E-4 6.857142857142857E-4 4.9142857142857137E-4 3.1428571428571427E-4 1.3714285714285713E-4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 390 420 450 0 0 2.4896326530612243E-3 2.3127032967032966E-3 2.1357739403453685E-3 1.9588445839874408E-3 1.7819152276295131E-3 1.6049858712715854E-3 1.4280565149136575E-3 1.2511271585557298E-3 1.0741978021978022E-3 8.9726844583987424E-4 7.2033908948194655E-4 5.4340973312401886E-4 3.6648037676609117E-4 1.8955102040816305E-4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Time / s
[Br2] / mol L-1

Test for First Order

0 0 0.13768473195977868 0.1449861950182518 0.15069431293235619 0.15992906191428333 0.19266621888331448 0.20432218230330143 0.21997905451045099 0.25071848570841787 0.28007089379135469 0.33773254839545702 0.47845444356023092 0.66761085147939203 1.0439006041314127 2.3922722178011546 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.13768473195977868 0.1449861950182518 0.15069431293235619 0.15992906191428333 0.19266621888331448 0.20432218230330143 0.21997905451045099 0.25071848570841787 0.28007089379135469 0.33773254839545702 0.47845444356023092 0.66761085147939203 1.0439006041314127 2.3922722178011546 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 390 420 450 0 0 -6.0394550311068498 -6.0911270416511707 -6.1297418777789501 -6.1892188644173727 -6.3754477664002467 -6.434186583571905 -6.5080208455829576 -6.6388192493514113 -6.7495312737672428 -6.9367428158553892 -7.2850495101236055 -7.6181939566521431 -8.065208067673181 -8.894487422557706 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 390 420 450 0 0 -5.9562071945621486 -6.0617525908167718 -6.1672979870713958 -6.2728433833260189 -6.378388779580642 -6.4839341758352651 -6.5894795720898882 -6.6950249683445122 -6.8005703645991353 -6.9061157608537584 -7.0116611571083816 -7.1172065533630047 -7.2227519496176278 -7.3282973458722509 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Time / s
ln([Br2] / mol L-1)

Test for Second Order

0 0 59.704802863435354 66.205033064992804 71.520645801006538 80.554996198973569 116.909243560199 131.48273787211292 152.40540310799767 197.97502841516959 247.04362796240125 359.23904723598298 720.97281007777156 1403.7328914440118 3432.0689140892268 18024.320251944289 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 59.704802863435354 66.205033064992804 71.520645801006538 80.554996198973569 116.909243560199 131.48273787211292 152.40540310799767 197.97502841516959 247.04362796240125 359.23904723598298 720.97281007777156 1403.7328914440118 3432.0689140892268 18024.320251944289 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 390 420 450 0 0 419.66426858513194 441.91919191919192 459.31758530183725 487.46518105849589 587.24832214765104 622.77580071174373 670.49808429118775 764.19213973799117 853.65853658536594 1029.4117647058822 1458.3333333333333 2034.8837209302328 3181.818181818182 7291.666666666667 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 390 420 450 0 0 386.05856391629521 436.86867991099376 487.67879590569225 538.4889119003908 589.29902789508935 640.1091438897879 690.91925988448634 741.72937587918489 792.53949187388343 843.34960786858198 894.15972386328053 944.96983985797897 995.77995585267752 1046.5900718473761 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Time / s
[Br2]-1 / L mol-1

Test for Zero Order

0 0 1.4382949047177812E-4 1.4382949047177812E-4 1.4382949047177812E-4 1.4382949047177812E-4 1.4382949047177812E-4 1.4382949047177812E-4 1.4382949047177812E-4 1.4382949047177812E-4 1.4382949047177812E-4 1.4382949047177812E-4 1.4382949047177812E-4 1.4382949047177812E-4 1.4382949047177812E-4 1.4382949047177812E-4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.4382949047177812E-4 1.4382949047177812E-4 1.4382949047177812E-4 1.4382949047177812E-4 1.4382949047177812E-4 1.4382949047177812E-4 1.4382949047177812E-4 1.4382949047177812E-4 1.4382949047177812E-4 1.4382949047177812E-4 1.4382949047177812E-4 1.4382949047177812E-4 1.4382949047177812E-4 1.4382949047177812E-4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 390 420 450 0 0 2.3828571428571427E-3 2.2628571428571428E-3 2.1771428571428571E-3 2.0514285714285712E-3 1.7028571428571427E-3 1.6057142857142858E-3 1.4914285714285715E-3 1.3085714285714287E-3 1.1714285714285713E-3 9.7142857142857154E-4 6.857142857142857E-4 4.9142857142857137E-4 3.1428571428571427E-4 1.3714285714285713E-4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 390 420 450 0 0 2.4896326530612243E-3 2.3127032967032966E-3 2.1357739403453685E-3 1.9588445839874408E-3 1.7819152276295131E-3 1.6049858712715854E-3 1.4280565149136575E-3 1.2511271585557298E-3 1.0741978021978022E-3 8.9726844583987424E-4 7.2033908948194655E-4 5.4340973312401886E-4 3.6648037676609117E-4 1.8955102040816305E-4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Time / s
[Br2] / mol L-1

Test for First Order

0 0 0.13768473195977868 0.1449861950182518 0.15069431293235619 0.15992906191428333 0.19266621888331448 0.20432218230330143 0.21997905451045099 0.25071848570841787 0.28007089379135469 0.33773254839545702 0.47845444356023092 0.66761085147939203 1.0439006041314127 2.3922722178011546 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.13768473195977868 0.1449861950182518 0.15069431293235619 0.15992906191428333 0.19266621888331448 0.20432218230330143 0.21997905451045099 0.25071848570841787 0.28007089379135469 0.33773254839545702 0.47845444356023092 0.66761085147939203 1.0439006041314127 2.3922722178011546 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 390 420 450 0 0 -6.0394550311068498 -6.0911270416511707 -6.1297418777789501 -6.1892188644173727 -6.3754477664002467 -6.434186583571905 -6.5080208455829576 -6.6388192493514113 -6.7495312737672428 -6.9367428158553892 -7.2850495101236055 -7.6181939566521431 -8.065208067673181 -8.894487422557706 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 390 420 450 0 0 -5.9562071945621486 -6.0617525908167718 -6.1672979870713958 -6.2728433833260189 -6.378388779580642 -6.4839341758352651 -6.5894795720898882 -6.6950249683445122 -6.8005703645991353 -6.9061157608537584 -7.0116611571083816 -7.1172065533630047 -7.2227519496176278 -7.3282973458722509 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Time / s
ln([Br2] / mol L-1)

Test for Second Order

0 0 59.704802863435354 66.205033064992804 71.520645801006538 80.554996198973569 116.909243560199 131.48273787211292 152.40540310799767 197.97502841516959 247.04362796240125 359.23904723598298 720.97281007777156 1403.7328914440118 3432.0689140892268 18024.320251944289 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 59.704802863435354 66.205033064992804 71.520645801006538 80.554996198973569 116.909243560199 131.48273787211292 152.40540310799767 197.97502841516959 247.04362796240125 359.23904723598298 720.97281007777156 1403.7328914440118 3432.0689140892268 18024.320251944289 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 390 420 450 0 0 419.66426858513194 441.91919191919192 459.31758530183725 487.46518105849589 587.24832214765104 622.77580071174373 670.49808429118775 764.19213973799117 853.65853658536594 1029.4117647058822 1458.3333333333333 2034.8837209302328 3181.818181818182 7291.666666666667 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 390 420 450 0 0 386.05856391629521 436.86867991099376 487.67879590569225 538.4889119003908 589.29902789508935 640.1091438897879 690.91925988448634 741.72937587918489 792.53949187388343 843.34960786858198 894.15972386328053 944.96983985797897 995.77995585267752 1046.5900718473761 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Time / s
[Br2]-1 / L mol-1

The post Kinetics Lab Report Turnitin appeared first on Versed Writers.


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