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AssignmentWriteapersuasiveessaythatpresentsyourargumentforyoursolutiontothe problem of a national government (or leaders of a national government) that some groups of the nation’s people do not feel represents them. Youressaymayusepersonalexperiencesforsupport,butatleastPARTofthe supportorelaborationinthisessaymustbedrawnfromoneoftheessayswehavereadonthesubjectofprotest and democracy.(Either “America Wasn’t a Democracy, Until Black Americans Made It One”or “Twitter and Tear Gas: How Social Media Changed Protest Forever”)Focus your efforts by choosing one of the following more specific prompts:1.How should people protest against a non-representative government? Why might this work?(Alternative: Are there forms of protest that should not be used? What is one? Why should it not be used?)2.When people work for change, sometimes they are only a smallsubset of the group who need change. Other times the workers are a large majority of the group who need change. Is it better to work in small groups or to coordinate large groups? Why?Do not simply repeat or report solution(s) suggested in your source. And do notdo additional research to pad your argument out as a report on other people’s solutions. The goal here is for you to develop your ownidea and explore it persuasively

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