• TED Salon: Optum. What Americans Agree on When It Comes to Health. [12:56]; closed caption and transcripts available
In this video, the presenter, Rebecca Onie, asks some very challenging questions about our health. “We may not be as deeply divided as we think — at least when it comes to health,” says Rebecca Onie (2018). In a talk that cuts through the noise, Onie shares research that shows how, even across economic, political and racial divides, Americans agree on what they need to live good lives — and asks both health care providers and patients to focus on what makes us healthy, not what makes us angry.
Onie, R. (2018, July). What americans agree on when it comes to health. [Video podcast]. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)
• Quality Improvement in Healthcare – An Overview [12:56]; closed caption and transcripts available
DocMikeEvans (2014, November 26). Quality improvement in healthcare. Retrieved from
Quality Improvement in Healthcare
Dr. Evans helps us understand why quality improvement (or QI) is important to each of us personally and professionally, especially as it relates to improved healthcare. There is a video embedded in this video and presented by Dr. Don Berwick, founder of the Institute of Healthcare Improvement (IHI). We explored the IHI earlier in the trimester. He tells us what is at the core of being a systems thinker. Do you recall what this is? Do you possess this trait? He goes on to share some startling facts about medical errors related to, of all things – hand washing! He also points out three questions we should ask as we develop a QI process.
Web sites:
• Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA): Quality Improvement
The HRSA is a major player in the area of quality improvement. Though you are encouraged to read all six parts of this web page, you are only required to thoroughly read and absorb Part 1: Quality Improvement (QI) and the Importance of QI. We’ll revisit the other sections later in subsequent weeks. (Links to an external site.)
Week 12 Discussion (THIS IS THE ASSIGNMENT)
How does the work of Ms. Rebecca Onie (TED Salon video) relate to the IHI’s Triple Aim Initiative? List and describe one example.
The post Quality Improvement in Healthcare Media first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.