Discuss what Kalanick and the company did well in enlisting backers and supporters and what they didn’t do well.

Uber and Stakeholders: Managing a New Way of Riding

Case Analysis (Individual Assignment): There are two (2) written papers for this course. One is a
stakeholder engagement approach based on the Uber case discussed in week 4, and the other is a
change leadership strategy for the Disney case covered in week 8

Uber Stakeholder Assessment
• Write a four to five-page paper which includes the following:
o A stakeholder commitment chart, listing key players and their issues, and indicate,
which are strongly against, moderately against, neutral, moderately support, and
strongly support, and who owns the change.
o Based on the case study, provide evidence and reasons for why you placed each
stakeholder in which “bucket” in the stakeholder chart
o Discuss what Kalanick and the company did well in enlisting backers and supporters
and what they didn’t do well. Be specific. Do additional research if necessary and cite
all sources
o What options does Uber have in reducing resistance from different groups?
o Pick one of the groups and create a script for Kalanick and/or other senior leaders to
use in appealing to that group
o Summarize the value of doing a stakeholder analysis for this case.
Leading Complex Change 304 FALL 2020 08302020 2
Disney Change Leadership Strategy
• Write a four to five-page paper which includes the following:
o Outline a change strategy for Geibel and Johnson to use in instilling autonomy in their
new teams and to ensure that employees will accept working in a shared
environment. The change strategy outlines how they should approach the change.
(Hint: Apply all that we have covered so far and especially the article on dialogic OD)
o Based on the case, what metaphor of change were they using and how effective was
o Include a script for Geibel and Johnson to use in a meeting with the primary and
secondary team leads to encourage them to effectively lead this change
o Include an email for Geibel and Johnson to send out to all of Disney Animation
encouraging them to adapt to the new team structure
o Include a summary that includes what you have learned about leading change from
this case and what is required of change leaders

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