Emotional Intelligence




Emotional intelligence is an important concept for healthcare professionals because they are in constant
contact with other people. Effective and compassionate communication require high emotional intelligence, and
the good news is that emotional intelligence can be improved through practice. Reading Emotional Intelligence
2.0 will give you a good background in the concept of emotional intelligence and also allow you to test yourself
and see your current emotional intelligence score.
(1) After completing the reading, why do you think that an awareness of and improvement in emotional
intelligence is something that may be needed in the clinical setting where you work or have worked? Give at
least two specific examples from your own experience.
(2) After completing the test from Emotional Intelligence 2.0 (using the code in the back of your book) you now
have personalized information to assess your emotional intelligence according to the four dimensions
described in your text. Go to pages 56 and 57 of the text and complete the EQ Action Plan. To find the
strategies that you will use in your action plan, reference the appropriate chapter(s) in the text. You will see that
there are specific strategies listed for each of the four dimensions (self-awareness, self-management, social
awareness, relationship management).
a) Choose and list four strategies that you want to implement in order to improve your lowest EQ dimension.
b) Discuss why did you choose these? What difficulties, if any, do you think you will experience in putting these
into practice? Please be as specific as you can, and cite your text and any other sources necessary for

The post Emotional Intelligence first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


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