Website IS

Apply for The New School PARSONS Design and Technology (MFA) a photography major WISH S Require to submite Digital Portfolio as below.

Applicants are requested to submit the following two items:

1/A video introduction, maximum of three minutes. At the start of your video, please introduce yourself, including your gender pronouns. We ask that you then answer the following questions: What do you see as the major challenge of your generation? What question do you hope to answer while in the program?

Some information about me:-
maried / 3 kides / male/ graiouiet from Tiffin University in OH/ GPA 3.96 out of 4.0 in Business Admistration & computer informaition systym /please look my attched CV for mor information about me .

2/Portfolio: Submit up to 40 items. Your portfolio should be a visual and narrative reflection of the work listed and described on your résumé and in your statement of purpose. Your projects and portfolio pieces should tell a story about you and what is important to you. Your application’s narrative should make the case for why you are a good fit for the Design and Technology program. We are not looking for a particular type of work, nor do we require examples of digital works. It is up to you to decide which work is most representative of your thinking. Be honest — submit the work you think is your best. Any and all media are acceptable, whether in the commercial design, fine art, or non-design realms.

Comments from Customer
Mor information about me I have studied ART 325 Graphic Design during my undergraduate.
Discipline: Digital Portfolio

The post Website IS first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


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