In groups, conduct a brand audit (brand inventory only) for a brand of your choice and then critically evaluate the brand using Keller’s brand report card. Following, provide a well-reasoned and supported digital marketing program and communications strategy based on the findings.

Assignment documents must be submitted in the Turnitin link provided on the subject LMS by the due date. No Hard copies will be accepted.
Description of Task
In groups, conduct a brand audit (brand inventory only) for a brand of your choice and then critically evaluate the brand using Keller’s brand report card. Following, provide a well-reasoned and supported digital marketing program and communications strategy based on the findings.
Structure of the report: The assignment should be submitted in business report format: executive summary, table of contents, headings, subheadings and appendices.
Group size: 4-5 students
Word limit: 4000-5000 words (aprox. 1000 per student).
Brand report card questions:
1. The brand excels at delivering the benefits customers truly desire
2. The brand stays relevant.
3. The pricing strategy is based on consumers’ perceptions of value.
4. The brand is properly positioned.
5. The brand is consistent.
6. The brand portfolio and hierarchy make sense.
7. The brand makes use of and coordinates a full repertoire of marketing activities to build equity.
8. The brand’s managers understand what the brand means to consumers.
9. The brand is given proper support, and that support is sustained over the long run.
10. The company monitors sources of brand equity.

Assessment Task 3 (Group assignment)
Criteria Weighting A
(70-79%) C
(60-69%) D
(50-59%) N
( 50%)
Executive summary
What is the report about? Why was it important? What are the key findings /recommendations? 2 marks Excellent summary of the key elements of the report. Well organised and persuasive to read on. Distinct from the introduction. Well written summary of the key elements of the report. Distinct from the introduction. Most sections of the report covered, but the structure lacked clarity. Some key parts missing. Not always distinct from the introduction. Not distinguishable from the introduction. Limited attempt. Incomplete and/or absent section.
Brief background to the brand 1 mark Students demonstrate an excellent understanding of the brand and provide relevant information only. Section is well organised and structured. Students demonstrate good understanding of the brand and provide relevant information only. Section is well organised and structured. Well organised, with a good overview given of the brand. Mostly accurate and relevant information. Minimal attempt to provide a background to the brand. Largely irrelevant information offered; inaccurate in places.
Incomplete and/or absent section.
Brand audit
Detailed assessment of brand inventory
5 marks
Completely accurate, clear understanding, analysis and application of relevant theories. Generally substantial understanding / interpretation of theories. Minor inaccuracies do not affect overall results. Partial and/or, incomplete selection and interpretation of theories. Some errors detracting from result. Inaccurate choice and/or interpretation of theories. Numerous errors. Misunderstanding of theories. Major inaccuracies and significant errors throughout.
Brand report card
Critical evaluation of the current status of the brand using Keller’s brand report card
5 marks
Completely accurate, clear understanding, analysis and application of relevant theories. Generally substantial understanding and interpretation of theories. Minor inaccuracies do not affect overall results. Partial and/or, incomplete selection and interpretation of theories. Some errors detracting from result. Inaccurate choice and/or interpretation of theories. Numerous errors. Misunderstanding of theories. Major inaccuracies and significant errors throughout.
Well-reasoned future digital marketing program 5 marks
Excellent, innovative recommendations based on points discussed in the sections above. Excellent application of relevant digital marketing theories. Some innovative recommendations based on relevant digital marketing theories. Flow seamlessly from points discussed in the brand audit and brand report card. Some innovative recommendations that are largely based on the findings from the brand audit and brand report card. A good understanding of digital marketing theories is shown. Some digital marketing recommendations made but not always related to issues addressed in the brand audit or brand report card. Lack of innovation. Incomplete.
Conclusion 1 mark Students demonstrate excellent control of the report and summarise the most relevant key points. Students demonstrate good control of the report and summarise some of the relevant key points. A good attempt made to conclude the report. Not always linked to the key findings. Insufficient and/or inaccurate attempt to conclude the report. No attempt made to conclude the report.
References and style (IN TEXT AND REFERENCE LIST)
Harvard referencing style. Minimum 5 academic journals 1 mark References are accurately and appropriately used to support points. Students demonstrate excellent evidence of wider reading. References are accurately and appropriately used to support points. Some wider reading is demonstrated.
References largely from good sources and used well to support points. Adequate attention to detail given for citations. Poor use of references to support points. Many errors in citations. Insufficient use of references and/or considerable errors.
TOTAL 20 marks

The post In groups, conduct a brand audit (brand inventory only) for a brand of your choice and then critically evaluate the brand using Keller’s brand report card. Following, provide a well-reasoned and supported digital marketing program and communications strategy based on the findings. appeared first on Versed Writers.


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