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This Portfolio of Work consists of a series of tasks. Select one Video Vignette from the list. For each portfolio task refer to your selected vignette.

ssignment Two – Portfolio Task
Observation of Child Development
Marks awarded out of 60 Weighting: 60% of final grade
Due Date: 10th October, 2020 @11.55 pm
This Portfolio of Work consists of a series of tasks. Select one Video Vignette from the list. For each portfolio task refer to your selected vignette. There is no word limit for Tasks 1.1, 2.1 and 3.1. Your response should be appropriate for the template
Select this below video Vignette for observation of child
Engaging a child’s interests: conversing about dinosaurs https://vimeo.com/35492682
Write a paragraph to introduce your portfolio.( No word limit )
Example of how to write introductory paragraph
Example 1: Pedagogical documentation is an essential tool, which makes learning visible and supports educators in the documentation and planning process (Arthur, Beecher, Death, Dockett, & Farmer, 2018). Additionally, it encourages educators to collaborate alongside children, families and colleagues; and supports a broader and more holistic view of child learning (Fleet, Honig, Robertson, Semann, & Shepherd, 2011). In this portfolio, pedagogical documentation is used to inform learning and teaching approaches, with links to learning outcomes outlined in the Early Years Learning Framework [EYLF] (Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations [DEEWR], 2009). All three tasks refer to Video Vignette Three. More specifically, task one is based on Peter and uses a running record to document conversations and analyse his learning. Task 2 analyses Peter’s learning using Rogoff’s personal, interpersonal and contextual lenses (Fleer, 2018). Lastly, task 3 provides a learning experience specifically for Peter, as well as a strengths-based summary of strengths, motivations and interests, suitable for inclusion into Peter’s transition statement.
Portfolio Task 1
1.1. Observation use Running record template for observation.
Select a focus child from the chosen vignette.
(Objective 3; APST 5.1)
Select one of the following observational techniques (running record, photo story, jotting or anecdotal record) and use the template to document the involvement, development and learning of the child featured in your selected vignette. ? This section is worth 10 marks ? Ensure you have selected and applied suitable strategies to document and assess the learning and development of your focus child, that is, choose a suitable observation technique ? Pay attention to detail in your chosen observation technique, ensuring the appropriate information is included in each of the columns/sections of your observation template.
1.2. Justifying an appropriate observational technique
Write a justification for your choice of observational technique for this vignette. Use references to appropriate course readings, research literature or framework documents. (Approximately 300 words)
Examples of what to include in this section: ? explain/describe what your chosen observational technique is i.e. anecdotal record, running record, photo story, jottings ? justify why/how it can be used, especially in regards to your chosen vignette and focus child ? explain the benefits of this observational technique, both from an assessment and observation standpoint, but also considering wider benefits of learning ? use research and the literature to support your choices
Portfolio Task 2
2.1. Using Rogoff’s lenses
(Objectives 1, 2, 4; APSTs 1.1, 1.2, 5.1, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5)
Using the template provided, apply Rogoff’s lenses to analyse your observation in terms of the personal plane, interpersonal plane and contextual plane.
2.2. Making reliable and valid judgements of your child’s learning
For this part of the task, join the Moderation Forum for your chosen Vignette on StudyDesk.
Using the agreed upon moderation process, discuss and compare the interpretations and judgements of peers. Discuss the group’s understandings of the child’s learning and development with the intent to reach consensus.
• Explain and justify the process of moderation, supported with examples from your forum posts and references to literature.
• Include your responses to the following discussion questions:
o What is similar?
o What is different ?
What learning has taken place for the child?
o What does that mean for future planning?
o What does that mean when reviewing and summarising learning to prepare a strengths-based summary statement?
• Include strategies that you would use to resolve the challenge presented in the moderation process by a colleague, who had a very different and, in your opinion, incorrect perspective on the child’s learning and development. (Approximately 500 – 800 words)
Portfolio Task 3
3.1. Planning
(Objectives 4 and 5; APSTs 3.1, 3.4, 5.2, 5.5)
Plan a learning experience for your focus child.
o Use the Learning Experience Plan template provided.
o The experience should contribute to attaining achievable learning goals for your child, based on your discussion and analysis in Task 2.
o The experience will indicate how you might include the child in planning for their own learning.
o The experience will incorporate the use of ICTs.
3.2. Provide a strengths-based snapshot summary
Create a summary comment that describes the child’s strengths, motivations and interests, suitable for inclusion in a transition statement. (Approximately 200 words)
There is no word limit for Tasks 1.1, 2.1 and 3.1. Your response should be appropriate for the template.
Presentation Guidelines
Use a title page. Use subheadings.
Use the templates where appropriate for each task.
Make 1 inch or 2.56 cm margins on the top, bottom, and sides.
APA recommends using Times New Roman font, size 12, double line spacing. Adhere to the word limit when specified (+/- 10%).
Prepare a reference list titled ‘References’ and include all academic sources cited as in-text references consistent with APA format.
A minimum of eight sources is highly recommended.
Refer to the Step-by-Step guide (available on StudyDesk) for further details.

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