Describe the changes in volume and pressure that will be occurring in Jane’s chest cavity to achieve exhalation during a long run.

Describe the changes in volume and pressure that will be occurring in Jane’s chest cavity to achieve exhalation during a long run. Explain why these changes are occurring, and the effect upon airflow. B. Describe the gas exchange occurring between air in Jane’s alveolar air and pulmonary blood. Will the rate of gas exchange change during exercise? Explain your answer. Question 2 (8 marks total) A. Which ANS response would you expect to dominate during Jane’s runs? Explain your answer. B. Which hormone associated with glucose homeostasis would you expect to be most active during this ANS response? Why? Using your knowledge of glucose homeostasis, explain your answer. Question 3 (8 marks total) A. Describe the role of the kidneys in maintaining fluid balance with reference to the role of antidiuretic hormone (ADH). Is Jane at risk of not maintaining homeostatic fluid mechanisms? Why/why not? B. What is a urinalysis and what is its significance for this case? With respect to the specific gravity (SG) component of Jane’s urinalysis result, and using your knowledge of normal kidney function, would you expect this result? Why/why not?

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