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Analysis of Leadership in Crisis-Mode


Analysis of Leadership in Crisis-Mode: Donald Trump and the Covid-19 Crisis
For this assessment, you will deliver a report as an individual in which you analyze and comment on leadership
during a crisis, focusing on President Donald Trump’s handling of the Covid-19 crisis. You will conduct
research on this crisis and the response of Donald Trump’s administration from the beginning until today. This
tragedy has led to nearly 200,000 deaths and the infection of millions of Americans.
1. Conduct research, using online and other appropriate sources, to investigate the responses and comments
of Donald Trump towards this crisis.
2. In your short report (approx. 1500 words) you should critically discuss his actions and comments and
whether they were appropriate to the situation in view of his role as a leader. Provide specific examples.
3. Your essay must also discuss how, in your view, a leader should respond to a crisis situation such as the
Covid-19 epidemic. You may also discuss what an organization and its leaders can do to help address
potential risks and communication issues with a view to preventing such crises in the future.
4. Justify your analysis, your discussion and your opinions by drawing on your research, course concepts and
frameworks. You may also integrate your own beliefs about leadership. Cite sources as appropriate. You
should use either IEEE or APA

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