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When the book says “assume a standard context” that means try to avoid imagining possibilities for what is happening that are special circumstances. You don’t have to consider what meaning would exist for all possible contexts.

Chapter 2 exercise questions 4 sections . I uploaded 2 versions of the same file to help respond. If you could refer toe the book uploaded and then make your best guess on the exercise that would be great.
**********here is what the teacher wrote to help:
Exercise VII
When the book says “assume a standard context” that means try to avoid imagining possibilities for what is happening that are special circumstances. You don’t have to consider what meaning would exist for all possible contexts.
All the instructions require is the Gricean Maxim getting violated. If you want to try explaining your answers to yourself, that would be good practice!
Exercise VIII
There are a few questions you have to answer here. Treat them one at a time. Here they are clearly separated for you.
First, define what you think the implied meaning is (this will be like a message)
Second, explain how the implied meaning is capable of being generated by the literal meaning.
The third question (about another context where there implication would be different) I want you to SKIP. Do it if you like, but it isn’t officially assigned (I won’t ask you to do something like this on the exam).
To answer the second question, you’ll have to cite Gricean Maxims – it also might be helpful to figure out what you think the literal meaning is first!
Exercise IX
The instructions here are exactly the same as what I want you to do for Exercise VIII
Exercise X
Same instructions here too.


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