CEO of Entertainment Inc. wants to keep track of performance of engagement that the company has engaged. For each customer and agent, he wants to know total number of contracts by month, and monthly contract success ratio (calculated by total number of contracts expired each month divided by total amount of contract price each month). In addition, for each customer and agent he wants to know total numbers of contracts expired each week, and total number of contracts still active each week. Provide 4-step dimensional model in the SQL comment section (4 points) and create data warehouse solution in SQL for the dimensional model that you propose (16 points). Question 2: CEO of Entertainment Inc. wants to keep track of the life cycle of engagement contract. Particularly, he wants to know the total number of agents involved for each engagement contract phrase when the contract is authorized, engaged, monitored and closeout. Provide 4-step dimensional model in the SQL comment section (4 points) and create data warehouse solution in SQL for the dimensional model that you propose