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Topic: Pre and post survey on indoor environment quality

Description The aim is to raise Awareness about sustainability and indoor air quality among young generation. There will be some workshops for k12 students to increase awareness about indoor air quality. Needed is a pre and post survey (multiple choice or agree disagree survey) to asses their knowledge Type of service-Academic paper writingType of assignment-Research … Read more

Topic: Administrative Law and Process written response paper

Description Students are expected to prepare 1 page concise written response to the question posed and 2-3 paragraphs for the discussion question. Please use correct grammar and spelling. Also, use APA style for your references. Introduction As government in contemporary society has become more pervasive, every citizen has had or will have contact with an … Read more

Topic: Food and Beverage operations

TASK DESCRIPTIONRestaurants are tough businesses to operate, even in the best of times — 60 percent fail within their firstyear, and 80 percent within their first five. There are lots of reasons for that high failure rate: changingconsumer preferences; thin margins in the best of times; a workforce with a high turnover rate; the wronglocation; … Read more

Topic: Covid-19 pandemic Impact on the market of hand sanitizers

Description The recent Covid-19 pandemic has created significant disruptions in the economy. Consider the market of hand sanitizers. Demand for sanitizers is growing rapidly as a result of increasing hand hygiene awareness. At the same time, social-distancing rules and lockdown restrictions have an impact on the level of production, reducing the capacity of firms that … Read more

Topic: How to kill Creativity article and video analysis

Description 1) Click here (https://hbr.org/1998/09/how-to-kill-creativity) and read the article “How to Kil creativity” by Teresa Amaile.2) Watch the creativity and Motivation https://youtu.be/YRnvox6_o2M. Directions – Based on both the article and the video, write a two-page paper.Arial font size 121” marginsDouble-spacedIndent each new paragraph. Do not skip a line between paragraphs.Set the spacing before and after … Read more

Topic: Module 5 – Health Care Outcome Paper

Description Examine some of the various health outcomes in the U.S. then complete a brief 1 page paper plus references which discusses one of these outcomes. Identify how a different model for health care (such as is used in another country) could positive influence this outcome. Type of service-Academic paper writingType of assignment-CourseworkSubject-Healthcare & MedicinePages … Read more

JOHN is a 15-year-old Boy Who is Living in a Residential Unit with His Two Younger Siblings: Psychology & Well Being Assignment, UCC, Ireland

The topic of essay: Needs Assessment and Well Being Using a Humanistic perspective outline how you would complete a needs assessment of wellbeing which highlights the health and social care needs of ONE of the service users below by answering the following two questions: Outline ONE Humanistic Theory (Rogers, Maslow) and how you would use … Read more

NBNS3603: Reflection is Associated with “Looking Back” and Examining the Past: Reflective Thinking And Writing Assignment, OUM, Malaysia

OBJECTIVE: This assignment is to appraise learners’ skills in writing reflectively on their learning experiences. SYNOPSIS: Reflection is associated with “looking back” and examining the past in order to learn from what happened and perhaps not repeat mistakes. However, it is also increasingly associated with reflecting “on-action” (Schon, 1983) and encourages an exploration of thoughts … Read more

SOEE5540M: Critically Discuss Whether an Increase in the Global Average Temperature Target: Climate Change: The Physical Science Basis Essay, UoL, Ireland

Essay titles 1. Critically discuss whether an increase in the global average temperature target of +2 °C above pre-industrial levels is sufficient to prevent dangerous climate change from occurring. Use evidence to support your answer. 2. Critically evaluate the usefulness of climate models for decision-making using evidence to support your answer. Hire a Professional Essay … Read more


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