Hotel Resorts Operational Resources

Make sure that there is a flow in text.
Please include abstract please see screenshots

Task: Individual Essay:
In the context of a hotel resort and your knowledge of the subject areas studied in the Hotel Services Management unit, discuss how hotel resorts may combine appropriate facilities and organizational resources, operational effectiveness and relevant customer services to ensure customer satisfaction. You may cite examples of good hotel resort industry practice and combine this with your knowledge of the subject areas studied in the Hotel Services Management unit.
Maximum 2000 words.
Marking Criteria:
a) /30 The quality and extent of the discussion associated with the identification of
appropriate hotel resort facilities and organizational resources, operational
effectiveness and relevant customer services.
b) /30 The quality and extent of the discussion related to customer satisfaction in the
context of the combination of appropriate hotel resort facilities and organizational
resources, operational effectiveness and relevant customer services.
c) /25 The extent and relevance of the industry practice and Hotel Services Management
unit subject content referred to.
d) /15 The overall presentation of the essay and the degree of substantiation and
referencing evident.
Please note: the term ‘quality’, in the marking criteria above, refers to the relevance, intelligibility and coherence of the discussion.

This assignment I really need an A in because this essay is 70% of my grade. Make sure everything flows together the structure. and connect the paragraphs transition. Included examples of my writing style,

my school follows the MMU harvard style which I attached.

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