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What emotions and feelings does the article evoke for you, and how do these emotions and feelings compare to the ones evoked by George Floyd’s death?Discuss

https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/2020/08/29/david-smith-death-minneapolis-police-kneeling/?arc404=trueRead the newspaper article at the link above and write a short essay expressing yourthoughts and concerns. In writing your essay, consider the following questions:

•Consider the circumstances and responses that you think are different today from what happened ten years ago. Also, what circumstances and responses do you think are the same?

•What emotions and feelings does the article evoke for you, and how do these emotions and feelings compare to the ones evoked by George Floyd’s death?

•Given this event from ten years ago and whatyou think is different this time,based on the social response to this event, what responsesand changes do youexpect to take place in the next ten years?


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