Outline why you have chosen this subject and the aims of your literature search. Link this to research, policy, guidance, systematic reviews, and/or other forms of authoritative evidence- 200 words
Chosen subject is ‘Is tap water as effective as saline for wound care in adults? chosen due to a placement with tissue viability and they were using tap water.
Literature search strategy
Briefly described the search terms, inclusion and exclusion criteria, databases used, numbers of hits and how you arrived at your 3 PAPERS. Use PICO, SPIDER.
Include PRISMA diagram as appendix 1. – 100 words
Critical appraisal of body literature
Critically analyse your chosen papers, concentrating on their strengths and weaknesses, and using an appropriate JBI tool. Briefly detail, the papers results use the usual referencing conventions when citing your chosen papers, DO NOT refer to them as paper 1, paper 2, paper3. – 1500 words.
Practice focused recommendations
Provide an overall appraisal of the research reviewed highlighting the strengths of the evidence and drawing conclusion about the overall results. Where does it fit in a hierarchy of evidence? – 200 words.
What are the implications for practice? Based on your rationale and body of evidence , relate your recommendations to implementation in clinical practice area, or education or another area (Stick to UK). – 500 words
(Highly recommended resources on EIDM).